Sunday, March 4, 2012

The Forged Birth Certificate — In Case You Doubted That It Was Forged

Here's the conclusion video offered at the investigation web site HERE  Scroll down to see a series of videos on the evidence of forgery. If you go through the videos one at a time you'll see the convincing evidence that Barack Obama's supposed long form birth certificate posted at the White House website is a forgery.  The obvious question is why would the president need a forged birth certificate if he has a real one?  The other question is about the forged selective service registration.  This is evidence that at least two crimes have been perpetrated.  Who the perpetrators are and what the motive is are perhaps open to question.  But it is a valid and important question.

Selective Service Forgery

Why was this necessary? Obama would appear to be a fraud, a manufactured person. An investigation seems to be called for.

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