Saturday, September 22, 2012

AARP Independent? What? As Liberal As They Come

SEE HERE Spin is what it is all about and profit. This pretty much says it all:
Consider: One senior AARP executive wrote the White House in November 2009, saying “we will try to keep a little space between us” on health care – because AARP’s “polling shows we are more influential when we are seen as independent, so we want to reinforce that positioning….The larger issue is how best to serve the cause.”
It's called capture the seniors and make a profit off of them and suck up to the left.


  1. The AARP has long been a schill for any big government program they could find, latch onto the gain from. They are not the friends of the seniors they claim to be.

  2. Got that right Adrian. The seniors deserve better and as I am one I did something about it by dropping AARP. If you haven't already you might want to check out which is a conservative seniors organization.
