Tuesday, September 18, 2012

What It Means To Be An American

REMEMBER NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA The left is always belittling American patriotism. I don't know exactly when it started, but I do remember the vicious propaganda of the Vietnam war which demonized our fighting men and women who were selflessly helping the Vietnam people try to protect their freedom. They failed and much of the failure was due to the betrayal by Americans who didn't think supporting other democracies was worth while. They were instead supporting the North Vietnam Communists.

Since that time I can't remember when the left has been supportive. I've realized that they were all converted to an anti-American ideology at that time. Frankly I'm fed up with them. When the Church amendment abandoned an ally in the field I realized that the Democrat party was composed of anti-American, anti-Freedom ideologues and I've never been willing to vote for a Democrat since. They've kept doing the same thing ever since and if we don't wake up we'll find ourselves enslaved.

Sure they talk a good game. Don't they always? Look around the world though to where those with their ideology have triumphed and you'll find nothing but failure. If that's what you want for the United States just keep supporting these liberal progressive ideologues and their anti-American agenda. You'll get what everyone else has always gotten, a loss of freedom and a life of deprivation while the powerful run your life and compliment each other on how smart they are.

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