Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Slow Motion Train Wreck — On Track for Collapse

Smart money fleeing Spain, Greece close to collapse, most of the EU is big trouble.  Spending more of the tax payers' money and kicking the can down the road will not work much longer because the situation is approaching the tipping point.  We need a clean sweep before we go off the cliff.  We need to back off the crippling regulation and punishment of success.  If we don't then we're set to hit the wall, the only variable is the velocity with which we hit.  We need to climb on the train of history and put on the breaks and change the direction.

This guy's summary precedes a commercial for buying gold.  You should discount it a little on that basis alone.  However, watch the price of gold because gold does at least two things: 1) it signals the value of the dollar, a) rising gold prices means the dollar is getting weaker, b) falling gold prices means the dollar is getting stronger, and 2) sudden jumps in the price of gold signal economic instability, big moves of soft currency into gold so that sudden large jumps signal trouble, sudden downward moves signals reevaluation.  You could do much worse than watching the price of gold as an indicator.

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