Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The Ugly Reality of Racism

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell focuses in on the problem. Sowell is quite an expert on racism having written a book about it HERE and ANOTHER so he knows whereof he speaks. Here he points out how dysfunctional we have become. We have stereotypicalized racism as a purely white on black phenomenon when in fact the vast majority of racism in America today is black on white. Whether it is the rising epidemic of flash mobs or the violent beating of random individuals, there is a dysfunctional problem in our black communities that should be addressed and is not being addressed apparently because it is not politically correct to point out that black on white racism is every bit the same creature as white on black. Citizenship requires virtue and virtue is taught not caught.


  1. Unfortunately, this is absolutely true. I've run into two very clear instances of black on white racism towards myself since moving to North Carolina two months ago.

  2. I recommend getting a concealed carry permit. Then if you're threatened you can at least back people down and defend yourself. It is always better to be explaining what happened to the police than having your wife come down to the morgue to identify the body.
