Thursday, June 4, 2009

Every Which Way But UP!

I was struck today by the article at the American Thinker site by Lloyd Marcus. The article is titled:

Obama's Attack on Achievers and Individual Rights

Using examples drawn from sports Marcus outlines the fact that excellence is a personal trait honed by commitment and dedication. It isn't an accident or a quirk of fate. It comes from hard, disciplined work.

The President doesn't seem to get it. Maybe being a community organizer and part of the vast left-wing liberal conspiracy doesn't teach those things. Marcus points it up not only using sports examples but drawing from his own experience growing up as a young black man and watching the hard work and commitment of his parents. Maybe that's something Obama didn't have either. Here's a taste of Marcus' message:

President Obama, the supposed "Great Unifier" uses his bully pulpit to divide Americans by proclaiming, "You have too little because THEY have too much". He vows to "Spread the wealth around".

Ponder this for a moment folks, like no president before him, our president, Mr. Obama traveled around the world on his "America is Too Successful and Arrogant Apology Tour". WOW!
I think he's right. CHECK IT OUT

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