Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Hypocrisy of the Left

Apparently the Obama Justice Department is getting ready to beat the bushes for some other people to blame for the murder of the ghoul late term abortionist George Tiller. The major Pro-Life organizations have all been making the point that Pro-Life means they don't believe in killing people, neither very little people nor heinous butchers like Tiller who has murdered about 60,000 a good many of which were perfectly viable children capable of living outside the womb. In a particularly ghoulish move Tiller sponsored what amounts to religious rites for his victims to help the mother bond with her dead baby. Now I think the murderer of Tiller needs to be brought to justice, but I'm a whole lot more concerned about the murder of innocent soldiers serving the American people by rogue home grown terrorists. Where is the outrage about that?

The hypocrisy of the left is so palpable. A young soldier is murdered and a second is gravely wounded and the administration is playing hooky. No statement from the president about homegrown terrorists or public launch of an investigation of why this guy was running around loose when he was on record as having traveled to Yeman, sporting a fraudulent Somali passport, and was transporting guns and Molotov cocktails and stalking recruiting stations. Is there any parity here? I guess the difference is that George Tiller was a generous contributor to the Democratic party apparatchiks. Yeah that's the ticket.

Tiller was 67 and a multi-millionaire from his abortion business. But Pvt. William Long was only a 23 year old patriot with his full life before him. If we're going to stir up an investigation, let's find out who these people are who are training indigenous terrorists to kill our young patriots.

The Family of Pvt. William Long Deserves An Answer

What is the Justice Department and Homeland Security doing about the murder of their son and the wounding of his companion?

More video from William Long's Father

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