Saturday, June 27, 2009

Tyranny Rising

As I look at what has been going on since President Obama was elected the phrase "tyranny rising" keeps popping into my head unbidden. Here we have a callow, youthful, extraordinarily inexperienced president who seems totally full of himself. He speaks well, at least if scripted and the teleprompter doesn't fail, but doesn't seem to seek much counsel beyond an inner circle of persons whose background is at least troubling.

In the very short time he has been in office he has enlarged government spending in a wholly unprecedented manner. He has apologized for the United States to people to whom we have no need to apologize. He's been throwing Israel under the bus. He took credit for elections in Iran as if the elections were ever about anyone moderate and then when they were clearly cooked refused to stand up for a fair outcome.

He's pushing a nonsensical cap and trade scheme to solve a problem that very likely doesn't even exist, and he's trying to federalize all of American health care — good luck at getting timely and decent health care if he succeeds. And it is only June. Then when the economy tanks and government revenues sink (can't get taxes from people who don't have it) and the government "solves" the problem by printing more money, and the money inflates because there is so much of it chasing a shrinking base of goods and services. Then what?

We've already semi-socialized the American auto industry, and taken hostage a fair part of the financial industry. Where and when does it end? Do you really think it was necessary in the first place? What evidence do you have that any of this was truly necessary? A crisis is a terrible thing to waste and a very helpful thing to manufacture. When things start to collapse the government has to step in and take over, right? That makes sense ... or does it?

Does it occur to anyone that all of this can be and might very well be manufactured?
Tyranny rising might be exactly what it is. "The price of freedom is eternal vigilance." is a quote often attributed to Thomas Jefferson or Thomas Paine, but likely older and no less true for that.
Freedom isn't free. Watch and prepare.

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