Thursday, September 17, 2009

"It's not my fault, George did it!"

A test of character is how much responsibility you take for your actions. The "blame game" is finding scapegoats so that you can escape responsibility. Sure, sometimes things are not your fault. In fact sometimes things are no-one's fault. As one Navy chief used to have written on his door, along with many other colorful saying, was "Shit happens." The rest were even more vulgar so I'll spare you. But all embodied wisdom of a down to earth sort.

Our current president seems to be an accomplished player of the "blame game." Bad things only happen because he was not on the scene to save the day. Sort of reminds me of the mighty mouse theme song, "Mighty mouse is on the way. Mighty mouse will save the day ..." Obama still is playing the "Bush did it to us" card SEE HERE and it is getting quite old.

From a financial point of view Bush didn't do it, the Democrats did and over a rather long period of time. Every time a Republican administration tried to put the breaks on the Democrats would yell "foul" and spend more. Clinton takes credit for a surplus but one should remember that budgets are allocated by congress and Clinton had a Republican congress ... Wow... do you think that had something to do with the surplus? I do!

I'm not sure when the president will grow up. So far everything bad is someone else's fault. Any time anything good happens he tries to take the credit for. Check out the history of the pirates that the Seal team took out for a particularly ridiculous example. He appears to live in a very narrow and distorted world in which fingers must be pointed at stupid police, George W. Bush, and right wing media. I'll start feeling a lot better when the president starts taking more responsibility for his actions and those of his administration.

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