Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Watch Afghanistan: A Test of Resolve and Commitment

SEE HERE "General McChrystal to Obama: More Troops Or I Quit!"— That's the headline on the story. So far my personal impression of Obama continues to be "showboat" or as a former Navy Chief friend of mine would style it, "All feathers and no chicken!" You never can tell of course. Obama is a neophyte with essentially no real experience to qualify him for the White House, so he is in a dicey position, 'put up or shut up' as my dad used to say sometimes. It's his opportunity to show he has some moxie and can grow into the position. So far he looks more like a tool of his handlers than a real leader, a pretty face and a smooth fast talking con man. But that might still turn out to be an illusion. He is a chameleon so he might be anything at all from day to day. How he handles Afghanistan will tell us if he is a president. I sort of expect him to blow it, but that's just me.

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