Saturday, September 12, 2009

Tyranny Rising!

This is a picture my son's friend drew in 2007. I guess the signs of the times have been pointing this way for a long time, long enough so that even a very young man like my son is aware of it and sees it in some perspective. I was struck today by the fact that the picture that Michelle Malkin had on her Tea Party 9/12 March post was taken from one of those on-line net cameras that monitor traffic in DC. See the last post for that picture. You can link to the camera in real time. If you can get that picture in real time, then what can the folks with real clout get in real time?

But surveillance is the least of our problems. The real problem is more and more centralized nanny state government which Mark Levin calls "soft tyranny" — this is all the measures that are taken for your own good. Fasten your seat belts, it's the law. Wear a helmet when you ride your motorcycle. Your car is required to have all sorts of things now a "black box" and every intersection has a traffic camera which in the long run is perfectly capable of getting your licence number. The Feds can read your bank records, monitor your cell phone calls (actually they made it illegal to listen on those frequencies which is like outlawing ears on people or charging for breathing the air) but it's technically pretty trivial to capture the signals. Sniffing the internet for packets is easy and unless your traffic is encrypted you don't know how many characters are reading your mail. These are just a few obvious examples of how little privacy we have these days. Now the government is creating crises and profligate spending which will further devalue the currency and centralizing health care (17% of the economy) and threatening to pass a horrendous cap and trade bill which is just a huge huge tax on energy consumption and all in the name of saving you from yourself.

Well pardon me if I don't think government is the answer to very many problems. I've worked for the government. I've seen how government works from the inside in a part that actually does work, the defense department. I've also been a bystander watching the rest of the government which works hardly at all. No thanks. On any given day the free market does far more for less than any level of government manages to achieve. If we let what is going on continue we will be enslaved and the last great hope for humanity, the United States, a beacon of freedom and prosperity for all the world will go into the dustbin of history as another collectivized and failed social experiment. I don't want that to happen to my children and my children's children. Say no. Say it loud. Say it often. Say it at the ballot box and failing that say it in the trenches of the resistance. But say no to Tyranny Rising!

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