Wednesday, October 6, 2010

More Grabs for Unrestrained Federal Power

SEE HERE GHGs (Green House Gases) are not a problem. They have not been shown to be a problem. They are all the result of natural biological processes or simple chemical combustion and the one everyone keeps hearing about, carbon dioxide, is an essential plant nutrient. The problem we have is the whole government is going regulation and control crazy. People breathing produce a tremendous amount of CO2. I read that the combustion of fossil fuels produces about the same amount of CO2 as the human population and its domestic animals. Don't know how that calculation was made but if true it does put this in a little perspective. It's not a problem, in fact historically there was much more CO2 in the past. So let's not have the government using phony science to run up the cost of everything. They've already screwed up quite enough.

BTW HERE's the glowing result to be expected by this tyranny.

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