Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Congratulations Liberals! You Seem to have Destroyed a Whole Culture

SEE HERE Entitlements to which you are not entitled have the side effect of destroying your incentive and morality until you become just a sort of drifting bum and when you put a lot of drifting bums together you get an unprincipled mob (is that a tautology?). England has always had a rather button down reputation, the British stiff upper lip and all that, but it seems that the British welfare system has managed to destroy that quaint British tradition is less than a hundred years. If Hitler rose up today he'd likely be welcomed, or so it seems. I think it is time to declare that the heritage of liberal progressive ideas is social destruction. If we wait to make that declaration after they've succeeded in destroying us here as well then it will take that much longer and be that much more difficult to recover.

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