Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Government Has No Business Using Politics to Engineer Products

SEE HERE I resent this. I resent this deeply. I'm not impressed by the government's ability to decide what I ought to buy in the way of transportation or frankly much of anything else. It's my business not theirs. What is worse they mandate these things without the significant input of people who know what they are doing. We're going to end up with cracker-jacks cars if we follow this (that's assuming it is even do'able in any meaningful sense). The question however that rises above all others is "By What Right ..." why does the government have the right to make these kind of decisions. What does this have to do with governing? I want to see them stop this. We need to start pushing back because if we don't we're just going to be owned by government and they'll meter every aspect of our lives like the parasitic leeches that they are.

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