Sunday, August 7, 2011

It's Come To This — Pull Back from the Brink

SEE HERE Ringer points out how prescient much of what Barry Goldwater said. As someone who remembers and supported Goldwater's presidential campaign in 1964, I can say with confidence that the failure to elect Goldwater was a turning point toward tyranny, a tyranny that has enjoyed an almost unbroken record of advance since that election until we stand on the brink of the precipice and look over at the vast wreckage of former free nations, few though they have been. The freedom to enact law by regulation is not being exercised by abandon and it traces back ultimately to a failure of Congress to do the job for which it is elected, to frame laws and not merely empower bureaucracies. Ringer points this out as it is explained in Goldwater's writings. We should take heed before the darkness falls.

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