Monday, November 21, 2011

As Usual the Liberal Spin Is a Lie Motivated by the Desire to Instill Envy and Greed

SEE HERE I'm in favor of eliminating taxes on business.  They are phony baloney intended to conceal from you how much you are actually paying in taxes.  Businesses don't pay taxes, people do.  When a business is assessed a tax it is paid by the higher cost of products that the business produces.  It is paid by making the business less competitive in the market place that included foreign entities that don't pay taxes or pay lower taxes.  The government creates tax avoidance strategies for what they claim are good reasons and then people are punished when they use these perfectly legal procedures by the claim that they are exploiting "loop holes" with the implication that they are tax cheats.  The system is sick, bizarre, over the top in complexity and just plain brain dead.  It was created by people who don't want you to know the truth which is that government is taking a huge percentage of your hard earned income and wasting it on pointless programs that enrich their hangers on.  The system is broken and well on the way to collapse.  Good luck.  I expect I'll be dead when the worst of it hits the fan, but my children and grandchildren will pay the price of our unwillingness to face up to our responsibilities and end the nightmare.

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