Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Romney? The Pseudo-Conservative Flip-Flopping Nebbish

SEE HERE I'm not sure what Mitt Romney is. He reminds me of the Ken doll that is always partnered with Barbie and is about as pointless as ... well as Mitt Romney. I think it you want to sink the Republican chances in 2012 just nominate Mitt Romney and watch all the grassroots, which is really Conservative, just fold up their tents and sit out the election. It's just ridiculous. He's a total loser as a candidate. Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum running to be President. There has to be some reason why the lame stream media seem to like him so much. Oh yeah, because he won't beat their candidate the NIC (Narcissist In Charge) just in case the usual suspects want to accuse me of racism despite the fact that three of my favorite people ware Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and Herman Cain. I just people based on quality not accidens.

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