Sunday, November 6, 2011

Let's Make Voter Fraud More Widespread ... Yeah! That's the Ticket! Then the liars and cheaters will be able to run everything forever.

SEE HERE Are there any sane people left in Washington? Voting needs reform because we are awash in fraud. So this nonsense is advanced as a solution? More like making the problem permanent. I was reading an interesting technical study, a 2007 Special Report by the Tax Foundation which shows that something like 60% of Americans are already getting more from the government than they pay in taxes. GET IT HERE That's actually a scary figure. The purpose of the government is not to redistribute wealth (there is no money tree and giving other people's money to your favorites is stealing to purchase influence or simply to feather your nest). Now that a majority is fleecing the minority for their own benefit the system is going to go unstable. It's a positive feedback mechanism which in plain English leads to catastrophic collapse. There is still time to draw back, but not if everyone is in denial. We need people in charge with brains that are not saturated with the desire to fleece us all. While we're at it maybe we should investigate where all the money the Obama Administration has wasted has gone? I'm betting we'd find a staggering amount of political payoffs and sheer fraud and corruption. To find out we need people willing to pursue the issues. Without that I hope you have a plan on how to survive the coming economic catastrophe.

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