Thursday, November 3, 2011

Nominate Romney ... Elect Obama

SEE HERE Romney, despite the notion in RINO circles that he's a conservative is a total non-starter among real conservatives.  Romney is not a conservative, period.  Moreover his nomination would be worse that John McCain whose only smart move was to get Sarah Palin on the ticket.  If that had not happened he'd have had no grassroots support at all.  The ugly little secret of American politics is that at the top there is only one party and that's the unholy alliance of Hudge and Gudge but at the grass roots there is a different party, the party of the conservative Americans that believe in the Constitution.  If you want Obama for four more years, just nominate Romney.  I know I won't work for him and I doubt there are many conservatives that would.  I can't think of a better way to drive the Tea Party into a 3rd party situation or perhaps only a sit it out situation.
LISTEN HERE  to the debate mentioned in the SEE HERE text.

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