Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ann Coulter Has Lost It! — Damn Shame But Hard to Ignore.

SEE HERE Mark Levin put this link up on Facebook and garnered a gazillion comments. It is somewhat incomprehensible how Ann Coulter can support Romney but she did before and she's doing it again. It must be his charisma ... hmmm... maybe not, doesn't seem to have much of that. Meanwhile Thomas Sowell thinks it is down to Romney or Gingrich and is supporting Gingrich. If I have to take a toss-up between Coulter and Sowell I'll take Sowell every time. My own sense of things favors Perry in the current line up. But I'm not happy with any of the candidates and I'm even less happy with the process, the so-called debates, the media sniping and pretext of being unbiased when they are simply the lackeys of the left. The country I remember from my youth is largely gone, swallowed up by the welfare, entitlements, nanny state so that it has become unrecognizable. Can the real America be recovered? I increasingly doubt it. I think we're in it until it collapses and all hell breaks loose because there are so few people of principle left that trying to argue for what is right is just seen as another political ploy.

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