Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Zeitgeist Unraveling!

SEE HERE Ultimately the world turns on truth which is the correspondence between the things we believe and reality.  The truth is suffering a good deal these days as those who care not for the truth, indeed that deny that anything so silly as "the truth" exists at all, gain ascendency and begin the process, now well underway, of destroying the foundation of truth on which the nation is built.  It is the nature of those who deny truth to ultimately fail.  But as they fail they destroy much that is good and which, once destroyed, may be difficult to recover.

Multi-culturalism, diversity, and  other mishmashed ideas are in fact simply a denial of the existence of truth.  If there is no truth then any old thing can be believed and followed.  Now that is pretty stupid, but it's what is what is being passed off as wisdom these days.  It's not unreasonable to say that truth is sometimes hard to discern.  There are competitive threads all claiming to be true which must be inspected and accepted or rejected.  It is easier to just throw up your hands and mutter something incoherent about diversity than to actually make the effort.

I was trying to have a discussion with a niece the other day and anything she didn't agree with she said was just my opinion.  That is a recipe for not thinking of course.  If she disagreed she could have offered counter evidence, but that is too much like work I suspect.  It requires reserving some neurons for something other than cell-phones and Facebook to actually think about the basis we have for our conclusions.  She couldn't be bothered because everything is just someone's opinion and for her at least, all opinions are created equal.  It brings to my mind the lines from T.S. Eliot's poem "The Hollow Men."

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