Monday, December 19, 2011

If We Can't Change This Then It's "Game Over!"

SEE HERE The government is not only not the solution to our problems, it is largely the cause of most of our problems.  I've talked about this before, the two step, 1) government alarmism claims something is a problem, indeed a crisis, 2) Government passes laws and regulations to deal with the problem, 3) This makes the problem worse and government says a) it's worse than we thought, or b) evil [fill in the blank] have taken advantage of the situation and made the problem worse (this is all a form of (1) revisited.  4) Then government solves the new and even worse problem, and so it continues in a spiral downward.  More regulations, more crises, more controls and claims around and around like a merry go round.  Fancier regulations, different regulations, more draconian regulations, more controls, more people to blame, more bureaucrats to work harder on more regulation, everything becoming more costly, due to [greed, yeah that's the ticket] spinning and spinning over and over until the whole system becomes totally unsustainable.  All the time we are told by government that they will save us and all the time they make it worse.  Some of us remember what it was like before the government became so pervasive.  Let me clue you in ... it was better, much better.

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