Friday, December 23, 2011

Something Seriously Wrong Here

SEE HERE Perhaps if you can't afford to have photo ID but you can afford to have a cell phone, a refrigerator, a television, air conditioning, and all sorts of other things including your food stamps then maybe your priorities are in the wrong place and you shouldn't be voting.  What is this about?  How hard is it to get a photo ID of some type?  Not very?  If the government is so concerned just require the states to provide an ID of any citizen that applies appropriately.  Just bring along your birth certificate. (I had to do that to register for social security) What is the problem?  Oh ... it gets in the way of the Democratic voter fraud that has become rampant in recent years ... that must be it.  VOTE FRAUD has been alleged in many elections over my life-time and the evidence has almost always pointed to the left as the primary culprit.  We need some way to ensure that elections are honest or the whole process is suspect.  MORE

If you can't identify voters, then how is it possible to ensure that elections are legitimate?  I don't get this mantra that identifying voters is threatening.  Why would that be the case?  I suppose if you're trying to vote multiple times then having to identify yourself might be threatening.  I wonder how much fraud there is in current elections?  Does anyone really know?  Maybe it is larger than we think.  That might explain the concern on the left.

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