Thursday, January 5, 2012

Perry Must "Reboot His Campaign" to Stay In the Race

SEE HERE Perry's dismal showing in Iowa doesn't necessary count him out.  As a governor and a sitting governor at that, he has the outsider (i.e. outside the Washington establishment) role locked up.  Can he get back in the race?  Well that's a definite maybe, but not without doing some serious rethinking and as Redstate suggests "rebooting" his campaign which has been relatively inept so far.  I like Perry but like all the candidates he has baggage which he'll have to overcome.  It helps to be articulate and Perry has not been particularly fast on the uptake or articulate.  We live in a television age which does not reward hesitation.  That's too bad really because it is rare that the glib, 30 second sound bite is a good measure of the man.

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