Friday, December 4, 2009


This morning I was greeted by the charming prospect of the passage once more of the death tax. Confiscatory taxation of the assets of the dead that should instead be distributed to their heirs is one of the outrages of government which needs not to be reinstated but to be destroyed once and for all on principle. Where does the government get off taking the hard earned wealth of those who in a long life have earned it and wish it passed on to their children and grandchildren and not be taken by the state.
In any case the National Republican Congressional Committee got my blood boiling with THIS which included the following item:

In the past eleven months, Pelosi and her puppets have PROPOSED HUNDREDS OF TAX INCREASES on hard working Americans. Some examples include:

* Allowing the 2001 and 2003 Tax Cuts to expire
* War Tax
* Tobacco Tax
* National Energy Tax
* Stock Tax
* Securities Tax
* Health Savings Account Tax
* Health Insurance Tax
* Business Healthcare Tax
* Personal Healthcare Tax
* Eliminating middle-class Making Work Pay tax credit
* International Business Tax
* Small Business Tax
* Gas Tax
* Mileage Tax
* Payroll Tax
* Reducing Personal Income Deductions

Do you feel better now that you've elected Hope and Change? I'm irritated by big government on the best of days, but the constant growth and unconstitutional seizure of power being practiced today should make us all sensitive to the concerns of the founders. This is not the America they envisioned and this kind of government should be rolled back and not encouraged.

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