Friday, December 11, 2009

Warning ... Warning ...

SEE HERE "Keep your shirt on ..." I said to the financial tracking robot that was beginning to bleat and toot and jump up and down on its pneumatic legs and wave its only roughly anthropomorphic arms around. I hit the override button and it made a sighing wheezing sound as it sagged back into quiescence.

I brought up the 3D world financial display that created a false color holographic map of world debt and animated it to make it entertaining. Greece was sagging as if it was bleeding out. Dubai had a small fire raging, but more disturbingly the U.K. and the U.S. where starting to bubble and toot like steam kettles.

"Hmm..." I thought, "It looks like the whole damn thing is about to blow, no wonder the robot got excited." Hitting the toggle key on the display controller collapsed the display and at the same time I called up the on-line broker on the large screen display and dumped all my international currency positions into hard assets. It was going to be a helluva ride.

Who knows folks ... but things keep looking a mite worse and there are lots of early warning signs that things are not good so hunker down and watch. The fireworks will be entertaining and even the poor house may end up looking good. Meanwhile Congress, that fountain of financial wisdom that brought you all the current disasters has thought up a new way to be fiscally irresponsible. SEE HERE It sure is nice being able to spend other people's money with not particular accounting in sight.

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