Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ann Coulter On Hannity — Liberal Racism

WATCH HERE Liberals have no right to play the race card just because their racism over the years means they have all the race cards. The Republican party is the party that had led the way on attacking racism, you'd think that they should get the credit. Indeed, the mystery to me is why they don't. How can the Democrats have any credibility on this issue? Apparently they buy it with other people's tax dollars.

The Unraveling Obama Foreign Policy — An Example of Incompetence

Paul Ryan straight from the shoulder. The Obama foreign policy is making us less safe.

Social Engineering Doesn't Work

How about doing your fair share of the work ... underwriting poverty makes more of it. We've created a permanent underclass by pretending that we're helping the poor. Thanks president Johnson ... it didn't work. Maybe we should try something different.

Given The First Four We Need A Change ... A Big Change!

This is a great video that captures the essence of the problem. It is urgent that we change tracks before the train wreck on the track we're on.

Barbara Boxer Is Concerned About the Vote ... How about those Black Panthers?

SEE HERE The integrity of the vote is fundamental to a society that elects its representatives. Despite this we have relatively little apparatus in place to verify that voters are eligible and only registered once and only vote once. It's always interesting to me that it is the Democrats that always holler and shout about it and the people most commonly accused of voter fraud are the Democrats. That fits! So what are they trying to hide?

Has There Ever Been Such An Extravagent President

Frankly this summarizes how irresponsible the president and the first lady have been. They have behaved as if winning the presidency gave them the right to raid the American people for any extravagant thing they desired. I don't know if $1.4 billion dollars is true, but if it is that seems to me to itself be a high crime, misappropriation of funds.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Traitors In Charge — The Nuts On The Left

New Zealander Trevor Loudon outs Leon Panetta and president Obama. They are enemies of the United States based on their actions. Remember not to believe what a person says unless his actions match his rhetoric. What a man does is far more important than what a man says.

Obama — Lying With The Numbers

Gotta love this cherry picking of the data to try to make out you're a job creating dynamo when in fact you have the worst record in presidential history. Check out the video for a fascinating case of numerical slight of hand performed by the president.

The Democrats Are Traitors

SEE HERE There should be no condition where the U.S. sacrifices its sovereignty to the United Nations, a debating society populated mostly by totalitarians and thugs. We should get out of it and good riddance.

Allen West In His Own Speak — I Love This Guy

Living Your Dream — The Love Of Monsters with Howard Berger

Oscar winner for the makeup in "The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe."

Glenn Beck Goes Off On NBC For Their Dishonesty

WATCH HERE Some people, presumably on the left, are really biased against Glenn Beck, but my experience is that Glenn Beck has more integrity than the other phonies in the media. Here Glenn Beck shows how NBC completely misrepresented something Romney did by taking an audio clip entirely out of context and then spinning it against Romney when in fact, as Glenn Beck shows, it was an example of Romney insisting that Ryan be included in the crowds chanting. Beck is right. NBC was despicable here and sadly it is not unusual.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Pervasive Civic Ignorance Our Biggest Problem

David Souter on the dangers facing us.

The Betrayal Of Israel

The Corruption of the Media and the Collapse of Freedom

Pat Caddell calls it as he sees it. The media has been transformed from protector of freedom to the enemy of the people. "Truth? You can't handle the truth." That's what is going on. The media has decided to manufacture the "truth" you can hear to steer events in the way they decide is correct. That is a form of tyranny, the tyranny of the lie. It's time to call out the media and end their reign of deceit.

Calling Out The Traitors In The Media

SEE HERE Of course they are traitors. They are traitors to their profession which has always been to be honest brokers of the news. They are traitors to the United States because their biased reporting makes it so difficult for the electorate to make an informed decision about who to support in the elections. They are traitors to ultimately to themselves for their behavior is a sign of the moral turpitude which now defines their lives. It's time to ignore them and recognize that they are manipulators and con artists bent on undermining the greatest nation that ever existed.

It's time to seek to replace them with some sort of new media, perhaps based on the Internet so that citizens can get honest assessments of the news that influences the republic. How that will be done finally I cannot say, but it must be done.

Are We Doomed?

"I Take It As A Badge Of Honor" — Allen West Rocks!

You have to respect a man of integrity and principle. "Let's talk about ideas. Let's talk about solutions." People want limited government and Allen West listens. He is a principled Conservative.
Here's his opponent who has a few character problems.

When People Engage In Savage Acts It Is Called Savagery

SEE HERE It's interesting that whenever anyone tells the truth about Israel and Islamic terrorism a hue and cry goes up.  Savagery is exactly what the behavior of the jihadists is.  They shoot rockets at random into peaceful neighborhoods.  They tie bombs on people, often innocent people, and send them into market places.  They just killed our Libyan ambassador and three other people in a planned and coordinated attach to celebrate 9/11 when they killed almost 3,000 people, more than at Pearl Harbor.  Calling this savagery is just plain old honesty.  Apparently when savages attack you you're supposed to play patty cake with them.  Well I'm not sure that's the American way or the Western way either.  The anniversary of the battle of Lepanto is coming on October 7th.  This is not the first time Islam has challenged the West.  INTERVIEW WITH PAMELA GELLER
Coverage starts at about 10 minutes into the radio show.

Demonization of the Jewish State of Israel

SEE HERE Anti-Semitic propaganda at Northeastern in Boston is the subject of this video. I suppose you could say that Israel is not above criticism, but you also have to question how a state should treat organizations that shoot thousands of rockets into its neighborhoods? Agenda driven rhetoric aimed at demonizing Israel is simply Arab propaganda disseminated in an academic environment which should be free of bias. I suppose that's the ideal. Having personal experience of academia, I'd say it is an unrealistic goal today because just like society at large, the academy is a wash in bias. The most you can hope for is a balance of biases or perhaps some admission of bias. This points up the importance of getting objective data with which to assess the reality.

Move Along, Nothing to See Here

SEE HERE This is the most dishonest administration I have ever seen. When they make a mistake they clean the record and go into denial mode. Is this the kind of responsibility and leadership we want from the government? These folks are worse that simply incompetent. They are incompetent, stupid, and dishonest, all three. THEY DON'T EVEN LIE WELL.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Administration's War On People of Faith and Conscience Continues

SEE HERE I am so sick of this administration's attack on personal conscience in an effort to advance the culture of death and immorality that I could just scream. Forcing businesses to pay for things that are not truly health related but are fundamentally matters of conscience is outrageous.

So What Did The Administration Know And When Did They Know It?

SEE HERE This has turned into a bipartisan concern. The administration is covering something up and it's probably their irresponsibility.

The Latest Stupidity ... Bagel Heads ... Now You Too Can Look Like a Klingon For A Day Or So

The frustrated Klingons among us. I just don't get the personal mutilation fads whether it is putting pins in your nose, head, ears, or putting grotesque tattoos all over your body. I guess they left the personal mutilation gene out of my make up when I was conceived. That's good because frankly I think it is crazy, all of it.

Netanyahu at the U.N.

This is a must see if you want to understand what is going on. Those who fail to understand will be doomed to be victims of the times.

So Is Obama A Saudi Plant? Actually There Is A Lot Of Evidence That He Is

Is Obama really a Saudi plant? Well what seems clear is that the Saudis paid for his education. It's also clear that if he is not a Muslim he is a very good imitation. He knows Arabic, know the Koran, speaks authoritatively on the tenants and practices of Islam. He shows little evidence of being truly a Christian. He's more than once shown his lack of basic understanding of Christianity. So is this true? It could very well be. WATCH THIS IF YOU HAVE DOUBTS

If This Is True It Is Obscene

SEE HERE 1.4 Billion dollars spent on the first family?  For what?  Vacations and other extravagant wastefulness?  This is beyond unreasonable, it is unconscionable, it is an example of how little they respect their own positions that they act so irresponsibly.  Americans should be outraged at this kind of profligate spending.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Ten Reasons That Romney Will Win In November

SEE HERE Frankly if Romney doesn't win in November we'll be in for a downward spiral like you've never seen before.  I think Romney should win just because he is far the more decent of the two men.  He's also far more American and more committed to America.  There can be little doubt that the nation is in trouble if for no other reason than we've created a nation of people who no longer really believe in their own abilities.  That has to be fixed. 

Stop rewarding people for failing.  It only produces more failure and the sense that failure doesn't matter.  The trouble with that is that it is no true.  Failure does matter.  More importantly thinking that failure doesn't matter makes for bigger and bigger failures.  We have to learn from our failures not write them off.  We are bringing up kids to think that if they don't succeed immediately that they don't have talent and should shift to something else.  It's not true.  Succeed is the result of hard work developing latent talents that may not appear obvious at first.  Get some focus.  Learn how to deal with brick walls the Randy Pausch way.  If you have not seen this video it is a MUST SEE

Obama, Marinated In American Hatred

SEE HERE If you want to understand why Obama is a disaster as an American president you have to understand that this is a president who doesn't like America, has never liked America, has been brought up to hate American, is bought and paid for by those who hate American, and is acting intentionally to bring America down.  That's it in a nutshell.

This May Explain A Lot About What Is Going On

SEE HERE Buy a revolutionary today by bringing him up in the way you want him to be and then he'll bow to you and do your bidding never quite understanding perhaps that he has become your creature.  This is a fascinating story that would explain a lot.  It certainly explains why Barack Obama is so cozy towards Islam beyond even the fact that he was raised as one and received early training in Islam before returning to the United States. 

As For Me And My House, We Will Serve The Lord

October 3rd The Presidential Debate — Newt Gingrich Reprises The Presidential Debates Of The Past

SEE HERE Ever since 1960, the presidential debates have played a key role in American presidential elections.  Frankly that's unfortunate.  But it is the reality.  It is unfortunate because it is so inadequate as a forum for fully assessing a candidate.  It is reality because it has been shown to be reality in the experience of presidential candidates over the past fifty some years.  So we just have to take it for what it is.  Newt Gingrich, no mean debater himself, reviews the past presidential debates and gives Mitt Romney the benefit of his advice.  It's worth a look and if you're someone who engages in public speaking it's good advice for you too.

The Pablum President — Nonsense For Everyone Friend and Foe Alike!

SEE HERE It's hard to take president Obama seriously anymore. He started out with all this hope and change rhetoric. There was nothing too specific except he was going to be incredibly transparent, a new kind of president, a president for everyone (I guess unless you made more than 250 thousand and were trying to make a small business go and keep everyone employed, then you were in trouble you rich greedy bastard), at least everyone that was on his side. What he turned out to be of course was the biggest liar in history. Pinocchio might have him beat, but it would be a close call.

The Secret To Success — Hint: It Isn't Luck!

Check out Prager University HERE

Bishop Jackson Focuses On The Situation Among Black Christians

I simply love Bishop Jackson. I wish he had been nominated to run for the Virginia Senate. He was clearly the best speaker at the convention. He is an impassioned, principled, articulate and honorable man. I had the privilege to talk to him briefly at the convention. He's also a CLASS ACT

Agenda 21 Is Coming ... It's Time To Kick The U.N. Out Of The U.S.

Alex Jones and Infowars and Prison Planet traffic is alarmism, so I always view these things with a grain of salt.  But Agenda 21 on any view is tyrannical.  Freedom is not about being jammed into a fanatical view of sustainability.  Don't kid yourself, this is what they are trying to do.  It reminds me a little of the Japanese coffin like motels where you get a space to sleep like a coffin and a common area.  Who put these dictators in charge of how you should live?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Gamesmanship? Could This Be The Reason Obama Chose the View?

I thought this was a bit farfetched but maybe.  Where is this written in stone?  Still I can picture Romney looking more presidential than Obama.  All he has to do is keep his nose down and not bow.

Let's Stop Playing Games With These Savages

SEE HERE It's time to recognize that Islam is not a religion of peace or even a religion of civilized human beings.  It is a religion of savages looking for excuses to be offended so they kill someone they don't like.  Our strategy is based on the delusion that they are civilized.  They are not.  It's time to recognize that fact and quarantine them.  They may be sitting on a sea of oil, but it is not the only sea of oil in the world.  Get the guest workers out that do all the work and see if they can pump their own oil or do their own work.  Meanwhile minimize or relations and our dependence on any aspect of their society.  Then they can go back to what they have done for generations which is kill one another.  If we're lucky they'll finish the job.

Failure To Engage Reality

SEE HERE The president is trying to have his cake and eat it too.  Christianity and Islam are not compatible.  Christianity can live with Iran, but considers them entirely wrong.  Islam finds Christian doctrine unacceptable and so often enough decides killing Christians is the solution.  Now frankly that contradicts what the president believes is a solution.  The two religions are incompatible and one of them is quite content to kill the other.  Christianity is generally peaceful and Islam is brutal.  Just read the news and keep count.  This is not a hard demonstration.  My own view is that quarantine is the only true solution and it may not be wholly adequate.  Spain had to kick the Muslims out of the country in the past.  It might be appropriate to think about doing that in the West before our civilization collapses under their attack.  We are of course doing it to ourselves and that is perhaps the worst tragedy of all.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Calling Savages Savages Is Reasonable When People Do Savagery

Savagery = noun cruelty, brutality, ferocity, ruthlessness, sadism, inhumanity, barbarity, viciousness, bestiality, fierceness, bloodthirstiness the sheer savagery of war.  Calling what militant jihadists do savagery is called accuracy, in short truth.  Listen to the airhead trying to spin up the religion of peace.  The media is fundamentally dishonest about Islam.  I guess they remember Daniel Pearl  ... Of course they are savages.  Give me a break.  People who systematically behead people, tie bombs to people, fly airplanes into buildings are definitely savages.  What is wrong with telling the truth?  Check out Pamela Geller's BLOG

Did You Wonder Why Obamacare Is A Scam? Paul Ryan Unpacks It Here

Spend Just A Minute Orienting Yourself

Listen to the end for a piece of particular wisdom.

It Is Disturbing That More People Don't Get It!

SEE HERE I guess we've all just gotten used to being taken care of.  We're the children of the greatest generation.  Our mothers and fathers were tempered in the forge of the Great Depression, the last great collectivist experiment before the Great Society and the War on Poverty and now the Fundamental Transformation of America.  This second letter from Lou Pritchett goes from scared to terrified.  We ought to be terrified but we all seem too glued to our reality shows to notice that the chains are being clicked on one shackle at a time.  Soon we'll understand that TANSTAAFL (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch) and it will be too late because we'll all be wards of the state.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Truth Straight ...

Tolerance for the intolerable?  "We can't afford any more tolerance and respect, we've been sucked dry ..." —  There's a strong case for making Islam a crime against humanity.  Yeah that sounds more like it.

In Case You Wondered If Jimmy Carter Was Sane? — He's Not!

SEE HERE Sure Jimmy, you dope. I always knew that Jimmy Carter had a screw loose but I just wrote it off to growing peanuts or something. Now I know that he's another true statist, collectivist, proto-tyrant, stupid too.

Lady At Ryan Event Outs The Liberal Academy

You can go to Harvard. You can work hard. But if you're not one of the liberal elite you will never be accepted. It's called bigotry and the Democrat liberal left is a classic case.

CNN Publishes Contents of Diary Without Family's Approval

SEE HERE And why is this a big deal at the State Department? I guess because they think they can just order the news media around like lackeys, the lackeys they have shown themselves to be as they make excuses for every Obama administration screw-up. They are pretty despicable, but outing the administration is a good thing. Incompetence needs to be revealed and remedied.

Do Any Loyal Americans Escape The Label of Terrorist?

SEE HERE Apparently not if homeland security has any say in the matter. This is an example of why homeland security has to be shut down. There's no security here. What's here is the labeling of Americans as terrorists and profiling Americans. Pretty soon we'll all be on the terrorist watchlist except the Muslim, that would be profiling if you added the Muslims. Don't you find this disturbing? I sure do. I'm also still wondering why homeland security needs 1.4 billion rounds of ammunition. If we shut down homeland security we could provide the armed forces with the ammunition.

In Case You Wondered Why Obama Is Such A Bad President

SEE HERE Every president has a scandal now and then. Bad things happen and people tend to be people and try to cover up what was done wrong instead of 'fessing up and trying to improve things. Not in the Obama administration. There nothing is ever the fault of the man in charge and most things that go wrong didn't really go wrong, they were just misunderstood or if they did go wrong they were the fault of others like that evil George W. Bush who is a convenient person to blame for all the things that Obama Democrats did before Obama was president. Oh you didn't realize that did you? CHECK HERE Also while you're at it notice who was in charge when "Clinton" is supposed to have balanced the budget. Yup, it was those pesky Republicans. Congress is the place where money is allocated and budgets are passed.

What Would Jesus Do?

Wild Bill nails the left ... Again!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wow! This Is Beyond Stupid ... With This Kind of Electorate (Black or White) We're Doomed

You have to wonder if they cherry picked these folks for dumb answers. Can the electorate in the Black community really be this crazy?

The Greatest Country In The World

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free. — Ronald Reagan

This video clip is mostly true. It will be permanently true if we continue to do what we have been doing since about 1960, which is destroy America. It's time to go back or we will most assuredly go forward into the darkness.

AARP Independent? What? As Liberal As They Come

SEE HERE Spin is what it is all about and profit. This pretty much says it all:
Consider: One senior AARP executive wrote the White House in November 2009, saying “we will try to keep a little space between us” on health care – because AARP’s “polling shows we are more influential when we are seen as independent, so we want to reinforce that positioning….The larger issue is how best to serve the cause.”
It's called capture the seniors and make a profit off of them and suck up to the left.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Voter Fraud? — Are They Democrats?

SEE HERE So there are 4000 illegal aliens on the voter rolls in Michigan. Gee, how do you suppose they got on there? For starters they had to have registered or been registered and that alone is voter fraud. Why would someone register to vote if they didn't intend to vote? The Democrats are always claiming that voter fraud is too small to measure. It's insignificant. How do they know that? The fact of the matter is what they mean is that the number of folks that have been caught is insignificant. That makes it a low risk crime. We should take it up a notch. Penalties for intentional voter fraud should be increased ... What is it now, a slap on the wrist and you have to promise not to do it again? A system should be put into place that ensures that only legitimate voters vote and that they only vote once. We'd likely discover that there are a lot fewer Democrats than we thought there were.

Thomas Sowell On Obama Versus Romney


Romney Not Only Pays His Taxes, But Gives Generously To Charity

SEE HERE Good luck on finding any Democrats that match this. BTW doesn't this also make Harry Reid either gullible or a liar but I suppose he's really both so it's not an exclusive 'or'. CHECK THIS OUT and learn a little about how to approach taxes with a bit more sophistication, especially the taxes of the rich.

Alan Keyes On The Political Situation In This Election

Up front and clear: I don't agree with this assessment of Allen Keyes.  If there isn't any difference in the policies then how are we to know that one candidate is better than the other?  It's a good question.  I'm doubtful about his conclusion however.  Romney is certainly not perfect on social policy but I think he is better than Obama, and on fiscal policy he is much better than Obama.  We need to have a Republican Senate and House however to have any hope of recovering fiscal responsibility.  So while we don't have a good choice, Obama is clearly the worst of the two in my assessment.  More important we need strong Conservatives elected to the House and Senate since the Congress can constrain the president just as the Republican Congress constrained Clinton and led to balanced budgets while Gingrich was Speaker.

Something For Nothing?

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell gets it.  He gets it in a deep and not a superficial way.  President Obama doesn't get it.  He's not a worker, he's a player.  He's a con man, smooth talking, polished but superficial.  So what is all this about "redistribution" that Thomas Sowell is talking about today?  Well it's really not all that different from that old fable about the goose that lays the golden egg.  If you get greedy and kill the goose because you think you're going to get the gold you discover that the goose was making the gold and you get no more gold.  FABLE Maybe we should go back to teaching our children those old fables.  They might come away from the experience with some deeper wisdom and not be such an easy target for the con men.

Has Obama Lost His Luster Among Black Voters?

SEE HERE The American Thinker has a piece claiming Romney will run away with it in November because Obama has lost the lock he had on the Black vote.  It's something that is a real possibility since Black workers are experiencing more serious unemployment than White voters.  I'm not sure why.  Obviously some will claim it is due to racism but Thomas Sowell long since pointed out that that didn't work.  More likely it is due to the demographics of the employment profiles of Blacks.  If they are disproportionately working in industries that have been hard hit then that would show up as disproportionate unemployment.  But that's just speculation on my part.  There can be little doubt that Obama has been a disappointment, not just to Black voters but to all those who saw him as a new kind of politician that would heal and unite instead of wound and divide.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Meet The Real Barack Obama And Forget The Myth

WATCH HERE SEE HERE A rather shallow myth has been spun around Barack Obama, a man whose main achievements are to have published two autobiographies before he'd accomplished anything.  Now in ten chapters The Washington Examiner exposes the myths and shows us the real, much less impressive, Barack Obama.

Get Focused! What Conceivable Use Does Homeland Security Have For Such A Large Amount of Ammunition?

SEE HERE It's hard to imagine what DHS needs such a large amount of ammunition for.  Given Mr. Obama's stated intentions I'd be very very concerned that they are up to no good.  It just keeps getting worse.

Straight Talk — Of Course They're Communists

  I think I put this up when it first came out.  But it's still relevant.  It's still straight from the shoulder.  If you want to be enslaved then just don't listen to this man.  Do your research and learn what's happening.  Allen West gets it!

Mark Twain on the Senate

There are many Senators whom I hold in a certain respect and would not think of declining to meet socially, if I believed it was the will of God. We have lately sent a United States Senator to the penitentiary, but I am quite well aware that of those who have escaped this promotion there are several who are in some regards guiltless of crime--not guiltless of all crimes, for that cannot be said of any United States Senator, I think, but guiltless of some kinds of crime.
- Mark Twain in Eruption  SOURCE

Ex-Navy Seals Were Heroes!

SEE HERE Freedom isn't free.  Ex-Navy Seals were not part of the security detail and gave their lives trying to protect the ambassador.  They were heroes.  It remains to be determined how the attacking terrorists knew about the safe house.  Apparently that information leaked.

Did You Know This? — DNC Refused Christian Gifts While Welcoming Muslims?

SEE HERE I keep getting stunned by the things that the Democrat party does.  This is essentially a declaration of war against Christians and a claim of solidarity with Muslims ... What?  Why would a whole political party in the United States refuse the good will of Christians?  I don't know if Muslims as a class are our enemies.  I'm inclined to think so since the Koran essentially says so, but perhaps Islam has grown more tolerant.  Of course then one is brought up short by new beheadings, or crucifixions (they crucified a cat the other day and put its picture on the internet), or attacks on our embassy and the killing of our diplomats, and of course there are always the celebrations and flag burnings to demonstrate the tolerance and good will of the Muslims.  But I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt when they're not doing these things, but I rather think I'm being taken advantage of.  But this act of intolerance by the party that claims it is so open on the basis that Christian values apparently contradict the party's vision of itself, that rather ices it. If that is not an open declaration of war against Christianity I don't know what is.

Lie After Lie After Lie ...

Has any other president ever strung together such a string of lies?  None of this turned out to be the case.  He's the biggest liar that was ever elected president.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Religion of Peace and Child Abuse

SEE HERE Well I suppose if Muhammad can do it so can any other Muslim barbarian.  Can we generate a little sanity and recognize Islam for what it is, a barbaric cult and not a religion by any definition that a Western man would recognize. 

I suppose, however, that the concept of Western Man has been sacrificed already on the altar of diversity.  Greece, Rome, Christendom ... all on a slide now since the Reformation, the Enlightenment, the Industrial Revolution, and the rise of Communism, Modernism and Post-Modernism (whatever that is).  We've pretty much run the cycle and barring some miracle we are sliding into the trash bin of history.  But before we go at least we should recognize that to be supplanted by the Islam would be a betrayal of everything the West has ever stood for.

That saddest thing is that it has been intentional.  We are committing suicide and those who are putting in the knife are doing it with full conscious awareness.  It is a premediated suicide.

The Fallacy Of Government Intervention

SEE HERE The reality is that if you want to screw things up just get the government involved.  They are masters of it.  Thomas Sowell points out the obvious, well the obvious to those who are students of history.  The government has actually made downturns in the economy longer and more severe.  A better policy in objective empirical directly observable terms is to quit messing with the economy and just go about legitimate government business and things would right themselves without all the "help". 

At one place I worked we had a lot of bureaucrats who were dedicated to helping the programs by various interventions which invariably made the programs more inefficient, more overloaded with paperwork to make useless reports that no one ever read or did anything about.  But at the culmination of the programs we would always say: "Thanks for all the help."  It was a joke among the program managers because no one actually thought they had been helped.  Well government is just like that and virtually for the same reasons.  They are well intended or at least put on the image of being so, but their interventions always make things go badly.  The lessons of history are that we'd be much better off without all the help.

True Generosity Versus Phoney Generosity

SEE HERE I get so tired of the liberal progressives pretending to be the compassionate and generous ones when their compassion is the compassion of enslavement and their generosity is the generosity of the thief.  They are all phoneys when it comes to their posturing.  What they really are is power hungry leaches.

The Death of Journalism — The Propaganda Meisters

SEE HERE You can read Ann Coulter's take and while I have been annoyed with Ann for a while now she's certainly on the right track here. I was always interested in journalism myself. I was accepted into Marquette University as a journalism major in 1960 until my dad changed my priorities by saying, "Sure you can major in journalism, but just not on my nickel." I guess he wasn't too impressed by journalists even then.

I had been the first page editor of my high school newspaper and it was drilled into me that everything on the front page had to be strictly factual. I was also drilled on the W5H questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How? and that articles needed to be written so they could be cut from the bottom. I loved writing. But I think now my dad was right.

The journalism we have today came out of the activism of the 1960's where the vision of journalism changed from reporting the news to influencing events and so we began the error of the spin doctors. It started slowly at first but with television leading the way more and more journalism saw its role as influencing events. Today we've reached the point where you can't trust anything that is reported because you don't know if it is true or if it is spun to influence you.

It's too bad that we've reached this point. It is especially bad that the media is so monochromatic when it come to politics. They are almost completely in the pocket of the liberal progressive Democrat party and on the rather extreme end of the spectrum at that. They are providing cover for a president who seems bent on destroying what we think of as traditional America, the America of free-enterprise, personal initiative, and a dedication to excellence. In it's place we are developing a cradle to grave nanny-state which destroys initiative, sees equality of outcome as preferable to equality of opportunity, and deems merit something not to be sought. It's very very sad.

Why Does Homeland Security Need "Sniper" Rounds?

SEE HERE More ammunition for DHS. These guys seem to be arming for a war and one wonders who they imagine the enemy will be? Don't they think the military can handle our enemies or do they imagine that we are their enemies? Troubling questions that need answers.

Make November 6th a Chick-fil-A! Moment

SEE HERE A lot of Americans "get it" maybe more than the news media thinks as they spin up for Obama. The Obama strategy seems to be to divide the country in the Saul Alinsky manner of pitting the haves and have-nots against each other. The haves of course have because they have striven and earned. The have-nots are divided into those who have been robbed of opportunity by poor schools, need-less and onerous regulation, and government mandates, and the other group which are those who have decided they can get by by gaming the system with their hands out. Well most of us do "get it" and we understand that something is very wrong and needs to be fixed. So are you part of the problem or part of the solution? We'll find out on November 6th whether the nation will survive or sink into government controlled graceful decline into poverty and squalor.

The End of America

Obama's America is not an America where the Constitution will be respected. It is not the America where free speech is honored. Instead the government will terrorize you if you criticize Islam or the president or the government ... It's already happening. Your freedom is at risk. MORE

No Bullets Vs. RPGs — Epic Fail!

SEE HERE The people running this administration are mindless idiots. "No bullets" in a area of active rebellion engaged in by Islamic Jihadist Terrorists ... What? Are you crazy? We need people with some common sense in our government not these mindless idiots. HIRED BRITISH FIRM TO PROVIDE SECURITY "NO BULLETS"

"I actually believe in redistribution ... "

The whole notion that "redistribution" is something that is a valid government concern implies that wealth is unearned and that government has a right to allocate it. If wealth is earned, then redistribution is simply stealing by the government to ensure a preferred outcome by giving someone else's earned wealth to someone who didn't earn it. This is nothing more than thievery by government. Packaging it in pretty words doesn't change the reality. It disincentivizes people at both ends of the spectrum: 1) why work if the government is going to give you money, and 2) why work if the government is going to steal your money. The result is less wealth earned and a poorer economy. Done more massively it leads to universal poverty not wealth at all. If you want a more prosperous country then create incentives to learn trades and skills and work. There ain't no such thing as a free lunch! TANSTAAFL!

The Tipping Point Approaches Rapidly

SEE HERE My father used to talk about this, the time when those receiving benefits from the government exceed those paying in. He said it was a fundamental instability built into the system if you took from Peter to pay Paul when the Pauls outnumbered the Peters then there was no longer any restraint on the pillaging of Peter by Paul. This is a form of the tyranny of the majority, exactly the mob rule that great thinkers like Plato and Aristotle had experienced for themselves and Socrates had paid the price.

Here Ann Coulter speaks about exactly the same phenomenon. The founders understood this and sought to avoid it by requiring that voters be land owners. We long ago turned over that provision (silly founders) ... we turned over other provisions the founders had introduced like the election of Senators not by popular vote but by the legislators of the various states intended to provide a check on popular enthusiasms. But we are so much wiser than the founders. As Coulter warns the tipping point is near and when it arrives you best hide the silver. Your pillaging is upon you.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Stupidity Obama Style — Awesome!

WATCH HERE Actually calling it merely stupidity is pretty forgiving.  It's more like criminal or traitorous.  How can we accept the bewilderingly ignorant and stupid behavior of this administration?  It virtually invites charges of total incompetence at least.  They left the embassy almost defenseless.  The whole region is blowing up and we're pretending nothing is happening.

How's That Hope and Change Working For You?

Barack Obama has accomplished much of his agenda to fundamentally transform America ... He never told us that the fundamental change he had in mind was to destroy it.

What It Means To Be An American

REMEMBER NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA The left is always belittling American patriotism. I don't know exactly when it started, but I do remember the vicious propaganda of the Vietnam war which demonized our fighting men and women who were selflessly helping the Vietnam people try to protect their freedom. They failed and much of the failure was due to the betrayal by Americans who didn't think supporting other democracies was worth while. They were instead supporting the North Vietnam Communists.

Since that time I can't remember when the left has been supportive. I've realized that they were all converted to an anti-American ideology at that time. Frankly I'm fed up with them. When the Church amendment abandoned an ally in the field I realized that the Democrat party was composed of anti-American, anti-Freedom ideologues and I've never been willing to vote for a Democrat since. They've kept doing the same thing ever since and if we don't wake up we'll find ourselves enslaved.

Sure they talk a good game. Don't they always? Look around the world though to where those with their ideology have triumphed and you'll find nothing but failure. If that's what you want for the United States just keep supporting these liberal progressive ideologues and their anti-American agenda. You'll get what everyone else has always gotten, a loss of freedom and a life of deprivation while the powerful run your life and compliment each other on how smart they are.

A Little More On The Dishonesty Of The Administration's Reaction To Embassy Attacks

SEE HERE All we ever get from this administration is lies and coverups. The "Arab Spring" is proving to be the advance of militant Islam and the heating up of active hostilities against Americans because we are perceived to be weak and vacillating. Instead of firm confrontation at a level they understand we apologize for whatever action they chose to suggest was the provocation. Earth to Obama: The Existence of America Is Provocation Enough for these Terrorists. Then we get coverups and excuses from the administration. Where is Ronald Reagan when you need him? STILL MORE ABOUT ADMINISTRATION LYING

Monday, September 17, 2012

Islam Abuses Women Routinely ...

American feminists need to get the facts about Islamic treatment of women.

Glenn Beck ... A Few Remarks On Current Events

WATCH HERE Beck details the attack on the Libyan embassy and exposes the lies of the administration. This is simply disgusting what the administration is doing. Their entire story is a lie from beginning to end.

Obama Built This! It Shows How Totally Naive He Is Or How Evil Depending On Whether You Think He Is Stupid Or Smart

SEE HERE Anyone with a lick of sense should have seen that the result of supporting the so-called "Arab Spring" would be the empowerment of Islamic extremism.  It was obvious to anyone who had an ounce of sense.  So either Obama does not have an ounce of sense or in some sense he intends the result he is getting.  I'm inclined to think he is getting what he expects.  What scares me is what that implies.

Muslims Are Never At Fault, Right?

Liberals are full of baloney and think Muslims simply can't resist the urge to kill Americans on the flimsiest excuse.  Maybe the Muslims need to develop a little thicker skins.  Christians have not offed anyone for the insults that they receive all the time.  That doesn't mean we are less offended, but it does mean we are more peaceful and not weaker.  Violent barbarians need to be restrained sometimes.  In the past such restraint was called a crusade.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

If It Weren't For Double Standards The Media Would Have No Standards At All

SEE HERE Well I admit I first heard that said by Sarah Palin about liberals, but since virtually all the media people are liberals it's not much of a stretch. This week the killing of our Libyan ambassador clearly and in the starkest terms showed the sheer insanity of the president's policies in the Middle East. Indeed, the surrounding conditions of reduced security in a dangerous situation on an iconic Islamic terrorist date suggests either complete madness or intentional invitation to atrocities. This is disgraceful and at least Mitt Romney had the guts to say so.

The Face of Islam?

"Get ready for the holocaust" he concludes, claiming that America is at war with Islam. We should reflect on this claim and this video. Perhaps we are at war with Islam and only those who subscribe to Islam fully understand it. Islam is a religion that makes that claim that all must submit to it. If it were a true religion then this would be a legitimate requirement. But consider that this is also the claim of Jesus, but He did not require submission by force. He asked that we each take up our cross and follow Him, not spread Christianity by the sword. "And then I beheld a red horse ridden by a man with a great sword...."

I Think We All Share This Guy's Frustration

You'll all making us sick to our stomachs.

Last Ounce of Courage

Standing up for what you believe ... Freedom Isn't Free! "And then I beheld a red horse ridden by a man with a great sword...." SOURCE

America Is Unique — 95% Of Life Is Set Up For You If You're Born In This Country

Contrast your own life with that of China. SOURCE

"Death to America" Is Not The Cry Of Friends

270 Million Dead ... the legacy of Islam.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Cockroaches: Screwing Up Is One Thing But Lying Running and Hiding Is Despicable

SEE HERE Despicable hardly begins to sum it up.  Four Americans are dead because of the failure on the part of their leadership to provide even the most minimal and prudent security.  Now they are trying to cover it up just as they're covering up "Fast and Furious."  This administration is beneath contempt.  It is so full of lying connivers that it's hard to know which rock to turn over first to see the roaches come out.

This Week From Allen West

Ben Stein Nails It — The World Has Lost Its Mind

SEE HERE "And then I beheld a red horse ridden by a man with a great sword...." If these are not the End Times they are certainly part of the run up to the End Times.  We have a president who is contriving to destroy the economy, make kissy face with those who are our mortal enemies and insulting and marginalizing our friends and then pretending to be doing something good.  It's hard not to think he's actually trying to create a war.  Meanwhile there is a chorus of fellow travelers and enablers who should be smarter than that.  I suppose that means they're in on it?  Or maybe they are just incredibly stupid.

A Man With Character Versus A Narcissist

SEE HERE A friend of mine copied me this link which illustrates the kind of man that Mitt Romney is through the testimony of people he has touched.  Romney was not my first choice for Republican candidate.  In fact he was far down the list.  But on the other hand he's a nominee that I can support. He's a man of character while Barack Obama is a man of far less character, far less achievement and with a vision for America that appears far more destructive.  You have to play the hand you're dealt as Randy Pausch said.  I'll be voting for Romney and Ryan.

Not Only Not Showing Up For Work But Actively Ignoring The Work And Giving Aid And Comfort To Our Enemies

This ad doesn't go far enough.  The behavior of the president isn't just not showing up for work, it is doing things that are clearly not in the interest of the United States and more disturbing snubbing our friends who are endangered by his irresponsibility.  This president is a menace and it's hard not to think it is intentional, especially when we are told how smart he is.  Does he know what he's doing?  If he does, then he should be arrested immediately and tried for treason.

Floating More Unbacked Money Will Sooner Or Later Cause Explosive Inflation

SEE HERE I'm not sure why the Fed thinks this works.  There really hasn't been any sign that it works.  It's not worked in the past and it has not worked in Europe.  Keynesian economics does not have a good track record.  So why do we keep doing it?

Convicted Felon's Voting? — Who Gets the Felon Vote?

SEE HERE I guess voters should have a stake in the sense that they contribute.  I tend to be against those who are on net paid out, voting since it seems obvious that if they get in the majority they'll vote for folks that will give them free stuff and that will end up crunching the system.  But what about felons?  Felons engage in a questionable line of work, but no one would say it is one without risks.  Are they a natural Democrat constituency?  I guess we'll find out.  We need exit felon polls.

Hating Breitbart — Coming Soon

Andrew Breitbart has it right. The left is composed of the dividers who seek only to seed hatred for those they oppose in the minds of the gullible. How evil is that? We all need to stand up for the vision that formed the United States, a vision of unity, e pluribus unum!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Speculation About the Social Security Number

SEE HERE In case you've been following the weird and ever weirder tale of Barack Obama's bogus Social Security number, here's the latest speculation.  This conjecture ties it to the lack of a valid Hawaiian birth certificate.  Turns out that dealing in bogus Social Security numbers is a Hawaiian staple.

Check Out The Motley Fool

SEE HERE I'm no investment expert, but I am informed about economics and investment. It's essential to prepare for the future and there is hardly any better way to prepare than to start investing. It's a lot easier to do that today than it was when I got started. I mostly learned to invest through an investment club I joined in the work place and I bought small positions in stocks and mutual funds.

The real key is to do it. One strategy is to put a fixed sum away regularly and invest it conservatively at first since taking risks exposes you to more loss. I learned a lot from Value Line Nowadays there are many sources on-line for investment advice as well as organizations you can join like AAII The American Association of Individual Investors. They publish a journal that is very informative. Look into ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) a really cool, fairly new investment tool that is especially nice for the small investor since it bundles indexes or investment sectors and trades them like securities. It opens up a whole new dimension for small investors. But always get informed. I'm no expert, just someone who's done the best I can over the years to save for retirement because you can never be sure if the government social security is really going to be there and besides it was never intended to be a complete retirement program.

The Religion of Peace Is Rioting All Over

SEE HERE I suppose it is what they do. The intolerance of Islam is epic. Theirs is a religion build on brigandry and violence from the time Mohammed started raiding caravans and stealing other people's property RAIDS in 622 shortly after the HIJRA

How many religions do you know that were spread primarily by military conquest? CHECK IT OUT So explain again how the "religion of peace" meme is consistent with the "religion spread by military conquest" meme? I'd be fascinated to know. My take is that it is a propaganda lie to lull the uncritical into a state of passivity so that they can more easily conquer them later.

So Why Isn't Obama Up 20 Points Since He Has The Media, Hollywood, and The Fed In The Tank With Him

Failure To Respond To Intelligence Contributed To Libyan Killings

SEE HERE Stupid, stupid, incredibly stupid.  When you know that you're going to be targeted, when you've had the kind of history of violence that we know attends these Muslim barbarian eruptions, the failure to alert the diplomats and provide adequate security is disgraceful.  Oh yeah, we're talking about the Obama administration where almost everything is disgraceful.  Why should this be any different?  And people are thinking of reelecting this incompetent?  Are you Obama voters nuts?

"Present" — "I killed Bin Laden What More Do You Want?"

SEE HERE Leadership is not about voting "Present" but about forming clear, principled policies and implementing them.  Barack Obama has no principles except that which aggrandizes himself.  His policies are as malleable as the shifting sands of the Middle East which he has thoroughly screwed up.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Asleep At The Switch — National Security Seems Less Important Than Campaigning

SEE HERE Could we have a reality check please?  The current president is too focused on everything but doing his job to be credible.   Where was the security in Libya?  Why were our personnel so at risk?  Maybe we should do something significant to discourage this kind of thing in the future ... just maybe.  I mean instead of giving Muslim extremists a billion dollars of U.S. taxpayer money.  Could we have some restoration of sanity and reality in American foreign policy?  Maybe we should start treating our friends better and our enemies like what they are?  Let's get a government that gives a rip about America!  The current administration sure as hell doesn't.

Reality Check 101

One of the fascinating rhetorical ploys of the Democrats is how they love to take credit for the achievements of others and the flip side is that they blame others for things they screwed up.  One of the classics is Clinton's welfare reform and balancing the budget.  Newt Gingrich as Speaker was the architect of that achievement and could get it through because the Republicans controlled both House and Senate.  Then of course there is all the "Bush did it" rhetoric when in fact the House and Senate were controlled by Democrats.  Stop drinking the Democrat koolaid.  It is saturated with delusional liar juice.

Kate Obenshain On "Muslims Can Do No Wrong Meme Obama Spins"

SEE HERE Here's the reality of it all ... the Muslims want to rule the world.  They always have right from the beginning and ran into a little reality check called the crusades.  That put them on notice but the West has been running out of steam and the Muslims are getting feisty again, especially in the face of Western wimpish reactions to really extreme Muslim actions like ... well name 20 or 30 atrocities, they're not only easy to find but the represent almost all the atrocities that do take place.  We'll just use 9/11 as the poster child, but there were many many more and earlier.  The Western secular states just don't get it.  They are so used to extending religious tolerance to a variety of religions that when a religion comes along that is intolerant they just roll over and play dead.

The reality is that Islam when it gets into a majority or just enough of a plurality to gain political influence begins to make demands for Sharia law, for having their own Muslim dominated regions and their goal ultimately is to make everyone a Muslim.  It's all in the Koran.  It is no surprise.  One need only go to history books to see the pattern.  But the West seems unwilling to acknowledge the reality.  We better start recognizing that playing nicey-nice with people that tie bombs on their children and fly planes into buildings to make a point is just not going to work.  These people only understand overwhelming force applied systematically and predictably.  It's what they do when they can and it is likely what they will respond to.  Failing that you better get a prayer rug and learn what direction Mecca lies in.

Obama Is a Traitor Or a Fool Or Perhaps Both

Giving huge amounts of money to our enemies is a recipe for suicide.  Obama knew and didn't care.  We should remove this man from office now.  He's a treasonous snake and so are those who support him.  I agree with Wild Bill.  Moreover it is obvious, so what the hell is going on.

Barack And the Clowns — Naive Fools All!

SEE HERE Naive fools? Trusting Muslims? Our Libyan Ambassador is dead because we are led by a naive fool with a circle of clowns for assistance. We are betrayed at every turn and at every turn his cheering section acts as if Mitt Romney is the fool. Anyone with common sense can tell I would think that Mitt Romney has not been in charge of this circus. The ringmaster has been Obama and the results of his leadership are disastrous: Economic collapse at home and loss of confidence abroad and betrayal of our allies. This man must go!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Next Liar In A Long Line of Liars

Wild Bill offers some homespun ideas about how to handled political stupidity.

Scientific Bias — Another Instance

SEE HERE It's odd really how fully invested some scientists get in their theories. Darwinism is a good example. There is a lot of evidence that Darwin was onto something with natural selection, however the evidence that his theory was adequate to explain the variety and complexity of all life was decidedly weak and continues to be so. Oddly the discovery of DNA encoding has made the task of making Darwinism work much more difficult. The concept of "junk DNA" was helpful since it implied that there was a lot of, well junk, evidence to show that random mutations accounted for change and of course lots of them produced, well junk, stuff that wasn't helpful. The problem gets a whole lot worse if the reality is that almost all the DNA encodes sophisticated and complex functions.

I really don't have a horse in this race. I'm not a biologist. I don't really give a rip about Darwinism one way or another. I do care about scientific procedure and the kind of response that reflects agenda driven thinking is abhorrent to me and I consider it a sign that a scientist that adopts it is really not being an honest scientist. Scientists should always follow the data. Falling so in love with your theory that you actually deplore discoveries that don't agree with it isn't science at all. One should celebrate discoveries and new understandings, not deplore the fact that they don't agree with your preconceptions.

"Brass"? Bill Clinton? No ... Can't Be! Ha Ha ... Ha

SEE HERE "Nothing to see here ... move along." That's the usual Democrat response when you challenge their facile assumptions. They whole housing bubble which they love to blame on Bush was in fact caused by failed Democrat ideas that forced lenders to lend money to people who were poor risks for paying it back. The Bush administration actually tried to put some limits on it and sounded the alarm only to be rebuffed by the Democrat Congress. Yet all we hear is that Bush did it. That's a lie, as almost all things that Democrats say are at least distortions and often outright contrary to fact.

The President's Israeli Problem — He's Clearly Hung Israel Out To Dry

SEE HERE Thomas Sowell points out some of the Obama's clear biases against Israel based on his actions. Frankly things are not going so well over in the Middle East for Americans. Why is that? Isn't the Arab Spring or whatever supposed to be more pro-American? Or maybe all that bowing and scraping to miscellaneous Saudi princes and things is backfiring and getting us the reputation of being wimps. Whatever is going on, it isn't working to our advantage.

Today we get the news that the Ambassador to Libya has been killed by an Islamic mob. The mob violence was triggered by some insult against the prophet COVERAGE or something. Any excuse at all seems to send Muslims on a rampage of killing and mutilation. It's time to start getting independent of this mob-scene and while we're at it, we should consider kicking them out of the United States altogether. People who only pretend loyalty until they are in the majority so that they can impose Sharia are not our kind of citizens. Freedom of religion is supposed to mean freedom, not freedom only until we get in the majority.

UPDATE: the allegation that the Islamic violence was triggered by a response to insults to the prophet is a cover story.  The event was planned and executed to celebrate 9/11.  We should start preparing to stop all this with force if necessary, but first we need to remove Barack Obama from the White House.  He's given a billion dollars to the Muslim Brotherhood and they are our enemies.  It's obvious.  He was told so.  He did it anyway.  He's a traitor.  How much more of this must we endure?

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Just A Little Reminder About The Coming Election

Never Forget — The Price of Liberty Is Eternal Vigilance

September 11, 2001 I was finishing up teaching a class at James Madison University when a colleague came up to me and said, "Ray, a plane had hit the Twin Towers in New York." I thought at that moment than some private pilot must have been joy riding and made a mistake never imagining the kind of event that had actually transpired. Soon campus classroom projectors were cut over to video of the coverage and we spent the day listening, horrified, to the events as they occurred. It is good to remember that people who hate you for no very good reason but the propaganda that they have been fed can cause horrific damage. For that reason alone we need to stand up for our values and be on record that freedom isn't free but it's worth fighting for.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Commander In Chief? or Just Another Narcissist Politician

SEE HERE Frankly this is an example of something despicable. But Obama can be counted upon to think of no-one but himself so it's no surprise at all. The idea that you can manufacture a political event by ordering the military to show up for a photo-op is beyond outrageous. Just another example of Obama's insensitivity and selfishness.

The Gift That Keeps On Giving

SEE HERE Now the Israelis have made the same determination that Sheriff Joe has: The birth certificate scan posted on the White House web site is a forgery.

The Real Unemployment Numbers?

SEE HERE In case you wondered about unemployment, here's a sobering and distressing summary. The record of the Obama administration is unreservedly disastrous.

Things To Think About

Perhaps the best thing that could happen is that we go through an economics collapse ... Really? We need to scale back government in a smooth adaptive way. That would be much better. But if we don't then we'll get there anyway because the collapse is inevitable if we don't do something. CHECK WOODS OUT

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Democrat's Racism Meme — Projection I Think

Democrats Really Are Brain Dead When It Comes To Business And Free Enterprise

SEE HERE "Profit" is a dirty word for many, probably most, Democrats. I'm not entirely sure why. They seem to think that profit is created by overcharging for goods. But if there were no profits there would be no goods. Profit is the difference between the cost of providing something and its perceived value to the person to whom it is provided. What is the point of doing something and getting exactly what it cost me in time and materials to produce? It is an amazing thing that Democrats can imagine that the whole nation would operate on a principle that they would reject if it was offered to them personally. I think it is an example of either blindness or hypocrisy.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

This Is Rather Chilling

SEE HERE "Igor Panarin, dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry School for future diplomats, believes that President Obama will announce martial law by the end of 2012." — Even beyond that little gem the article goes on to give some details of a collapse scenario. The obvious question is whether this is far-out crazy or actually a serious possibility. To me the most disturbing thing is that until the past couple of years I had never seen such gloomy speculation. So at least that much has changed. We need to make sure this doesn't happen and that we restore optimism and economic progress to the United States.

Friday, September 7, 2012

SEE HERE Catholic Online put up a page with much to think about ... it begins:

I refuse to lend credence to an earthly city constructed according to love of self, at the exclusion of God and the full truth of the human person, under the pretense of concern for the poor. I will not cooperate in the continued perpetuation of intrinsic evils which attack the foundation of every human right, including life itself.

Think about it!

Andrew Klavan Corrects Obama's Economic Ignorance

Cardinal Dolan's Closing Prayer At the Democrat National Convention 9-6-2012

When Things Are Not Going Your Way Cheat and Intimidate

SEE HERE It's the Democrat way. Here's just another instance of government corruption. When an attempt to intimidate Gallop over the outcome of a poll fails the organization is hit with an "unrelated" lawsuit. How does that work exactly? This is the kind of government we can expect more and more of in a second term if Obama wins. More government by edict and intimidation and regulation and corruption. More spending that seems never to actually help anyone but his campaign downers and foreign interests. Have we ever seen an administration as corrupt as this one before?

Belong to the Government ... Seems Upside Down Doesn't the Government Belong to Us?

The whole idea that "we belong to the government" which was in an opening video at the Democrat National Convention is rather strange. It's a uniquely Democrat party vision which amounts to an explanation of their comfort with the nanny state. The government will take care of us because we belong to the government. But that's much too close for my comfort to a statement about pets, the belong to us and we take care of them. Notice the one person who seems to say that the Republicans don't belong. So this vision is totalitarian in spirit not inclusive but exclusive. This is a vision at total odds with the concepts the founders sought to instill in our system of government.

Lying ... Is He Talking?

This composite video of Obama's statements and the associated realities points out just how disastrously dishonest this president has been. Does anyone hold this incredible liar's feet to the fire. Well this video is a start.

We're Supposed to Believe This?

What she means of course is that we threw away billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars and are still out 23 billion and didn't save any jobs only deferred the collapse and paid off the unions. Why does she should like a carnival barker? I suppose that's what it sounds like when you're being oversold something.

Empty Speech ... Empty Suit

SEE HERE Charles Krauthammer captures the president's acceptance speech in a nutshell:"The emptiest speech I've ever heard." The president is all rhetoric, all puff and has little to nothing to offer. MORE and STILL MORE The president's speech was just recycled State of the Union speeches according to RedState. I think pure rhetoric is running out of steam to impress.

Free? Free To Be Slaves

SEE HERE I once lived in a nation where freedom meant something.  I once lived in a nation where the government didn't try to mandate every part of our lives and tell us to buckle up or wear a helmet or don't drink sodas larger than 16 ounces or that it didn't matter what our religious beliefs were we had to do what the government wanted or else.  I once lived in a nation that honored God and virtue and where men and women were independent and helped one another and didn't have their hands out and didn't think that because someone was doing a bit better than they that they were being cheated.

That time seems to have passed.  Now I meet each day expecting to encounter new limits, new demands, less freedom, less quality, more intolerance, less virtue, more incivility, and all the time I'm being told that things are getting better.  Perhaps the measuring stick has changed.  They've swapped the good end for the bad end and every time someone says things are getting better what they mean is more freedom has been lost and government is telling someone else that they must obey some new regulation or rule.

Worst of all, everyone seems to have blinders on.  People whom I thought were good people tell me it will be all for the best.  The faceless minions line up and I'm reminded of "Big Brother" and that Apple Macintosh commercial of so long ago.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

A Return to the Gold Standard May Be Essential ...

SEE HERE The current fiat money system is clearly unstable. A return to the gold standard in some form may be the only way to get control of our out of control government and the economy which on the present course is certain to collapse when the debt finally completely outruns our ability to repay it. You can't keep printing money and not pay a crippling price.

Could We Get Real About Deficits?

You may not understand that this is only the tip of the iceberg.  The unfunded entitlements run us up 222 trillion and the whole economy only generates about 15 trillion a year.  The government spends 25% of GDP but borrows 40% that it spends.  This is all a recipe for economic collapse and all the politicians are whistling past the graveyard.

Clinton Gets A Pass!

The bottom line is that a lot of what Clinton floated in his speech was not true.  Do you think the media did any fact checking?  "Nothing to see here, move along!"

Could This Really Be The Tipping Point?

SEE HERE I was as astounded as anyone at the voice vote at the Democratic National Convention to put God and Israel's capital Jerusalem into the platform.  It required a 2/3rd vote to be approved and the chairman called for the vote three times and each time it was apparent that it had not even passed.  Does anyone care or are the Democrats and their atheistic and anti-American agenda just going to get another pass?  I didn't like some of the things that went on at the Republican convention, but this is certainly no improvement.  THE DEMOCRAT SPIN MORE on the alternate universe that Obama and the media live in. Are we ever going to get honest reporting again?

Why Are Democrats Insane? — Does This Guy Know Any Evangelicals

SEE HERE I'm not an evangelical but I've known quite a few people who were and they were good people and they support Israel.  So here is this crazy self-proclaimed Jewish Democrat claiming that they want Jews slaughtered.  That is quite frankly an insane accusation.  What do they feed Democrats?  It seems to make them lose their minds.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Bill Whittle — Betting On The Character Of The American People

I love Bill Whittle.  He has this marvelous way of cutting directly to the core.  We are an exceptional people.  It's time to get this mess straightened out.

Allen West's Labor Day Speech — Number One Liberal Progressive Target And Awesome Dude!

Dealing With Reality — The True Debt Is Already Non-Sustainable

SEE HERE So what are we going to do?  MORE  The sad sad story is that no-one knows so we keep kicking this can down the road.  It doesn't have a solution that is palatable and all kicking it down the road does is make the train wreck worse when it comes as it inevitably will.  That's why we need some adults in the government that actually understand economics.  Lawyers don't!

Why ObamaCare Is A Disaster In The Making

SEE HERE Markets are essential to accurately pricing goods and services.  This is a fairly long piece but it details why without real markets price dislocations and shortages and inferior results become the norm.  That's what we're in for if we continue down the path we are going.  It's been a failure everywhere.  The appearance of success in some places is the triumph of propaganda over reality.  We are getting more and more propaganda every day due to the amazing collapse of our news media.

DNC Amends the Platform to Restore God and Jerusalem

Listen to the voice vote on the amendment, it clearly does not pass.  I guess the Democrats really don't like God or Israel.  Interesting that they did it since that implies they got an awful lot of pushback from somewhere.  Notice that the amendment clearly did not receive the 2/3rds majority required.  Looks like at least as bad as the nonsense at the Republican convention.  We need to reform the way the two party system operates.  MORE