Sunday, January 31, 2010

Rumor and Hearsay New Sources for Glacial Retreat

SEE HERE I'm actually beginning to feel a little sorry for all those UN IPCC folks. This has to be terribly embarrassing. They're all spending so much money ginning up global warming alarmism that they can't afford to actually use meaningful scientific data actually collected by scientists making (gasp!) measurements. Now we discover that another source for glacial retreat claims is just so much anecdotal data from mountain climbers and Alpian tour guides. Oh well, stop laughing all of you. This is serious (hahahahahaha) business. These guys have reputations (well they used to have reputations) to protect.

BTW, while you're at it, would someone explain to me again why having glaciers retreating is a bad thing? You sure don't want them advancing. As they retreat presumably they expose more arable land and good things like that. It just seems as if the Chicken Littles of the world have to have something to compulse over. I've been watching this doomsday is tomorrow due to kind of nonsense my whole life. If any of it were true I'd have been dead a hundred time whether it's Alar on apples, mercury in swordfish, the lack of nutritian in cereals (I think that one just turned out to be due to the fact that rats can't digest all the stuff we can.), not to mention chocolate kills dogs but not people, DDT in cranberries (not enough to do anyone any harm but it pretty much killed off a couple of cranberry crops) lead in gasoline, various concerns about this and that ... almost all due to poorly done research and fear mongering. The government seems to like to encourage these kinds of things because it gives them an excuse to imposed unnecessary regulation and expand their power. Let no crisis go unwasted and if you don't have a convenient crisis, then manufacture one.

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