Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Who Is Really the Party of "No"?

SEE HERE This label "the party of 'No'" makes no sense at all. Every issue has both good points and bad ones. How is it that illegal immigration which has over eleven million aliens in the country, many drawing benefits they have not paid for and others who have been committing crimes and clogging court dockets and jails, and still others who enter the country to have "anchor babies" ... which party is it that says they should get amnesty and employs every scheme to get them the vote in anticipation that they will vote for their benefactors. How cynical is that? "No" is likely as often the right answer as "Yes" especially when the question is "Do you want to destroy the economy?" "Do you want to continue killing babies?" "Do you want to continue tolerating the dead electing our politicians?" Sometimes you just have to vote "No"! On November 2nd vote "No" to fundamentally transforming America.

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