Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Intended or Unintended? ... It's Still Stupid

SEE HERE "Wishing doesn't make it so!" is a phrase that I often had to use when people in authority at places that I worked wanted to do things that just violated the fundamental laws of nature. Economics sounds like something man-made but in fact it's just a different perspective on physics like the conservation of energy. You can't print money without some sort of backing without destroying the value of money. You can't promise resources to people who are high risk and expect the people who are lower risk to pay for them in a risk intolerant environment. Sorry Charlie! (echo of an old Starkist commercial) it just won't work! We'll see a lot more before this whole charade is over. Ecclesiastes 1:15 in the Vulgate explains it " ... the number of fools is infinite." They are currently running the administration in Washington. Sorry won't be the half of it.

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