Friday, August 12, 2011

Can Someone Help Me Here? Why do biofuels make any kind of sense?

SEE HERE I'm fascinated by the whole biofuel thing. On the face of it, it seems to be incredibly stupid. What it does is convert food to fuel which then substitutes for perfectly good fuel that can be pumped out of the ground in the form of crude oil, refined and sold. The biofuels are not cheaper, they are more expensive. The biofuels are not better fuels, they have less energy per volume and more corrosive side effect on engines. The biofuels in addition to being more expensive as fuel drive up the cost of food and create hardships among nations already marginally supplied with food. The biofuels create just as much CO2 as the crude oil they replace. Where's the advantage? I just don't get it. MORE

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