Friday, December 2, 2011

Story Begins to Unravel

SEE HERE So now we find that Ginger White was in a lesbian relationship with an associate the entire time she claims to have had an affair with Herman Cain. Are we really supposed to believe this woman? She sounds exactly as Cain described her, a troubled woman. She also has a record of libel and not living up to her word. Does the news media ever vet these stories at all and now what?


  1. Ray, Joe Newby is a personal friend, a student of my husband, and very fine man (and banjo player.) That being said, I have no idea of why he decided White and Vay were in a lesbian relationship. There is nothing in the article Joe quotes to lead one to this conclusion.

    The article indicates a business relationship - nothing more. I've gone back and read the article three times and still don't know how Joe made that leap.

  2. OK - Joe appears to have gotten that notion from a poorly written sentence and misplaced commas that could possibly indicate that Vay and White had a 13 year affair. What it really says is that White and Cain had a 13 year affair and during their (White and Vay) business relationship, according to Vay, this affair was never mentioned.

  3. is another link ... who knows what all of this is about. But what seems to be clear is that Ginger White isn't a particularly credible source.

  4. Ray - I'm not disputing that Ms White is probably not a very nice woman.

    The fact is the original article pulled and has now been changed to clarify what the writer was originally trying to say. I might add that a clarification was not included which is shoddy reporting.

    It now says:

    "The female bodybuilder who once ran a bicycle business with latest Herman Cain accuser Ginger White says the Atlanta woman never mentioned the Republican presidential candidate, who she says was her lover for 13 years.

    "His name has never come up," said Kimberly Vay, who told ABC News that she and White were former business partners."

    "Trust, but verify" has been my motto ever since I first saw the quote. If you Google White's name and lesbian, the results are horrific as to the number of people that jumped on this.

    Journalists, and I consider bloggers to be journalists, lose their credibility when they don't make an attempt to find out the truth.

    Everyone who printed this should be making corrections posthaste.

    P.S. Bungalow Bill, who is a blogger buddy of mine, hasn't even included a source for his blurb.

  5. I'm not entirely sure what there is to correct. The fact that Ginger White has been taken to court for libel and other aspects of here checkered past should call into question her basic veracity. If she is prone to call names and other elements claim that she's got a record of being short of cash, so my point is that she doesn't look like a reliable source. Sounds like just another hit for hire to me. The issue has turned to whether Cain and his staff are handling these allegations well. Systematic timed hit pieces are hard to defend against. I'd be inclined to hit back hard and stop talking about it myself. I think Herman Cain is likely innocent so I'm not giving much weight to the charges. I think Ann Coulter has handled it rather well.
