Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Fiscal Irresponsibility Should Be an Impeachable Offense

SEE HERE When this idiot claims that something is Bush's fault you ought to get out your calculator because it's a lie. Is Obama's mouth moving? This man has only one agenda and that is to collapse the United States. He's a smooth talking con-man but his agenda is single minded and consistent. Since he took office he has uniformly moved us towards financial collapse. The whole world is going to go down soon. Today's stock market plunge was correlated with uncertainty in the French economy. All of Europe is unstable. The United States is at a tipping point and all we get are platitudes and claims we should penalize the rich as if that would help. You can take everything the seriously rich have and it wouldn't fund the government for a month. These folks have only one agenda and it is to sink the government and claim it is someone else's fault.

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