Friday, August 12, 2011

How Dare Anyone Get Rich Through Their Own Efforts

SEE HERE ... isn't it obvious that they should give everything they earn to the government bureaucrats to be doled out in return for votes by the slimy politicians so everyone will live happily ever after sniffing cocaine and getting drunk in their welfare dives? I would have thought everyone would have that down by now. Michael Moore gets it! (stop laughing ... I really liked that movie he made with the gal who raised rabbits and you could buy one for a pet, or if you wanted to eat it, she'd butcher it for you ... personable and petting the rabbit the whole time)

With the folks in Wisconsin, the union thugs, and the looneys in London all showing us how wonderful the new society will buy maybe we should all buy a few thousand rounds of ammunition and get ready for the rise of the new society where no one will be rich because no one will have anything at all but the elite writing the laws and the propaganda. Some pigs are more equal than others.

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