Friday, August 12, 2011

Union Thuggery and a Personal Memory

SEE HERE This kind of thuggery is what you can expect from unions. It is so common as almost to become expected. But sometimes it goes over the top and endangers people. I have my own story. Quite a few years ago now I was contacted by some technical people that I had had a contract with years before to come over to their plant and pick up some left over papers from the contract. I was a government employee at the time. I drove over to the Camden plant which I discovered was engaged in a strike. Of all people the engineers at the plant were striking and had set up a picket line. I had to cross the picket line to enter the building to pick up the papers which were classified material I would then transport back to my place of work.

While I was inside the building the strikers loosened the nuts attaching my left front wheel to the car, a 1966 Volkswagon. During the drive home, some forty miles or so, on a freeway the bolts finally work themselves loose and the tire detached from the car and I saw it rolling down the street in my rear view mirror and luckily steered the car safely off the road. Then I recovered the tire and searched the road for the nuts recovering two. I reattached the wheel as best I could and limped the car home. The incident could easily have been far more dangerous and possibly even lethal had the wheel detached under different circumstances.

This is the kind of activity I've come to expect from unions. I have no respect for them because they encourage and promote this kind of activity. It is wide spread and immoral.

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