Friday, December 9, 2011

Obama's America — A Tissue of Lies and Misrepresentations

SEE HERE If we follow the president's logic then there has never been a time in America when things were as they ought to be.  That is because America has been a land of free men and women who earned what they had and those that didn't bother didn't do as well.  The land Obama dreams of can never be because it is a land where people work to feed, clothe and enable those who can't be bothered as if it is somehow the duty of the productive to support those who refuse to be productive.  It is the fable of the ants and the grasshopper.  We may feel sorry for the grasshopper, but make no mistake it is the grasshopper's fault.  We help the disadvantaged out of the goodness of our hearts, but we have no obligation to do more than honor their dignity as human beings and try to give them a hand up.  They have to do the rest.

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