Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Trumps Sounds the Birth Certificate Note Again

SEE HERE So just how long is this game going to be played.  This is total nonsense.  For over three years we have people with quite reasonable reasons doubting if Obama was born in the United States.  We have doubts about the interpretation of what "natural born" citizen means and no authoritative body has so much as looked at the issue.  One career military man has been court martialed over this without even getting a fair trail and served time.  But on and on it goes.  It suggests that the United States is not a government of laws but of organized interests who have an interest in Barack Obama remaining president.  Where are the checks and balances we are told about?  Where is the due process?  Where is the interpretation of the Constitution and a definitive finding?  What are the facts?  Where is the evidence?  This is totally unacceptable but yet it goes on and on.

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