Sunday, February 19, 2012

The Insanity of Government Intrusion Exemplified

SEE HERE I suppose I've said elsewhere that I'm not a big fan of George Will.  He is what passes for a conservative in the media these days, but I'm not altogether convinced.  But in this piece Will points out the sheer insanity of New York rent control laws.  Thomas Sowell has done much the same in the past but the laws continue and are a violation of the owners right to property and the free exercise of their property.  So when has that ever bothered a liberal intent on giving other people's property away in the name of their currently hot-button feel good agenda?  Large government lends itself to the abuse of power and the distribution of influence.  That's one of the reasons I don't like cities.  Cities are heaps of such influence peddling and I've had my fill of it all my life.  Don't get me started because I'm a collector of stories and I'll tell you a few.  If my wife was not addicted to shopping centers (well to be fair they are convenient and what would I do without Staples), I'd probably move out into the badlands and take up subsistence farming (except I'm too old for something that requires so much labor).  So the opportunity has passed me by.  But think about how much control you want government to exercise over your life.  Do you want to be free or do you want to be a ward of the state?

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