Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Is Michigan the Last Chance to Stop Plastic-Man?

SEE HERE I must have a Holden Caulfield fixation, but here's a quote from "Catcher In the Rye" which about sums up plastic man: "Pencey was full of crooks. Quite a few guys came from these wealthy families, but it was full of crooks anyway. The more expensive a school is, the more crooks it has - I'm not kidding." The Catcher in the Rye Holden Caulfield in Chapter 1
Now the best I can tell Romney is the archetype of "phony" which is why the Holden Caulfield reference. You can tell a phony by several characteristics. The first is that they always waffle around and only say things after they determine what you think and then agree with you. DING DING! Another characteristic is that they emphasize flash over substance. DING DING! Finally, they can't really express principles convincingly because they really don't have any. DING DING! All this reeks of phony and Mitt Romney. I sure hope he gets his head handed to him in Michigan.

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