Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Pretend Scientists Attacking the Heartland Institute With Phony Documents

SEE HERE Pretend scientists are agenda driven and not data driven and they do anything necessary to pretend that what they are doing is science including skewing the reality about where the big money is on the climate debate. The literally billions spent by government to push the climate agenda is measured by numbers in the hundreds of thousands on the other side and yet the claim is that there are powerful economic forces afoot to mislead you. The irony is that there are, but they are government funded pseudo-scientists creating unvalidated climate models with unphysical forcing functions. It's baloney and rather rotten baloney at that. I've been to Heartland Institute functions and I've also watched them on the internet. They are the real deal. It's too bad that the media is in the pocket of big government or we might hear some reality for a change.  STUPIDITY HAS CONSEQUENCES

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