Saturday, February 18, 2012

What the Liberal Progressives Have Wrought!

SEE HERE It's not a pretty sight. The socially destructive policies of the liberal progressives largely unchecked since the 1950's and sheltered by claims of sensitivity and compassion have instead wrought socially destructive and morally debasing behavior, not only in the black communities which have been hardest hit, but in the white and hispanic communities as well. We have created a society in which bad behavior is rewarded and good behavior, moral behavior, is ridiculed and belittled. This is how you destroy a once great nation. The process is well underway and Walter Williams in his editorial today makes the contrast in the most personal way possible, in his own life. I'm younger than Williams, but not much and I grew up going to school in Washington D.C. to a private Catholic Jesuit run high school. The contrast Williams makes was as real to me as it is to him, just from a different ethnic perspective. To understand what has happened we need to reexamine the path the nation has taken over the last 100 years and keep the good and roll back what has been destructive. If we don't do that then we are likely on the skids to a collapse with a hard landing.

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