Friday, February 10, 2012

Looking Back

SEE HERE Looking back to 1963 at the time of the assassination of John Kennedy you find a very different America than the America of today.  It was an America that was more prosperous and more united in its convictions and values.  It was before Roe and largely before the influx of foreign automobiles.  Japanese products were starting to ramp up in quality but had not yet gained the enormous foothold they have here now and a car mostly meant an American manufactured automobile.  The Great Society had not yet started to rob Peter to pay Paul in a flawed view of how to solve the problems of financial inequality through a massive, inefficient welfare state without demanding anything significant of the recipients of the largesse, thus creating a permanent dependent class with a sense of entitlement.  Education still educated and students left school with an appreciation of their historical heritage.  But all that was about to change.

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