Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Marxism Is Alive and Well Living In America

SEE HERE I don't suppose most of you have ever even thought twice about Marxism or the scourge of Communism.  It is just some old story long out of date about the past before you were born.  That fact that it killed over 100 million people and its ideologues are still with us shouldn't concern us should it.  The problem with self-fulfilling ideologies is that even when they fail their proponents simply say that they didn't go far enough.  100 million dead wasn't enough to secure the revolution.  The chilling fact is that this isn't ancient history.  The same ideology just like a chameleon changes its name and continue to infect people with lies that utopia is just around the corner if we just eliminate those bad guys — the big corporations or the right wing or the Trotskyites or whomever is the enemy of the week.  Wake up!  We're currently losing to the sustained encroachment of Marxism.  It has never worked, but that's only because it wasn't pure enough.  They have to eliminate the opposition, or was that exterminate.

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