Monday, June 18, 2012

When Are We Going to Impeach This Fraud?

SEE HERE I guess I've never seen a more incompetent and arrogant president either in my lifetime or in my reading of history.  Barack Obama is without precedent the worst president in American history with a messiah complex that has him claiming to be one of the best.  He did manage a Nobel Prize for doing nothing, which lowered the prestige of the Nobel prize immeasurably in my eyes.  How does that work?  Is a time machine involved?  But then he managed to be elected president of the United States with no particular achievements ... so why not?  On the other hand his agenda seems to be to take down the country and the lack of uproar as he achieves his objective makes one wonder how widespread the conspiracy actually is?  Are our elected officials really such wusses?  Unbelievable!

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