Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Why Welfare Doesn't Work

SEE HERE The cycle of poverty is actually facilitated by welfare. When are people going to learn. Marva Collins taught children that to give a man a fish you eat for a day, but if you teach a man to fish he can feed himself for a lifetime. She was all about personal responsibility and she brought that out often enough with another lesson: "Children, how do you eat an elephant?" "One bite at a time Mz. Collins."

Welfare is a necessary thing but it is a destructive thing. Used wrongly it only creates dependency and a sense of failure. "I can't make it on my own or I would not be on welfare." Welfare should never just be a gift. It should be compensated in some way based on the ability of the recipient to provide effort. Perhaps it should be a fee paid for learning a trade or doing some necessary task that is not too arduous for those who are handicapped. But just giving people things for nothing gives them unreasonable expectations and a false sense of entitlement. Ultimately it is destructive not only of the individuals but of the society around them.

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