Monday, June 25, 2012

Reality Trumps Stupidity — Blacks Should Look To Their Own House

SEE HERE The problems in the black community are not the result of racism, at least not the kind of racism that is commonly talked about. If there is a problem it is the idea that all failures of every kind can be blamed on someone else, the psychology of the victim and the idea that once you are a victim you can blame everything on someone else and claim that you are entitled to stuff just because you've been victimized. The problem is that it isn't true. Check out these statistics and recognize that the problem isn't caused by the white community but by the failure to take responsibility for overcoming their challenges.

The consequences of this demographic phenomenon can be SEEN HERE  basically wherever the non-white populations become large the crime rate goes through the roof.  This is a social pathology that needs correction but that correction cannot come from outside the community involved.  It's essential as Bill Cosby has said so many times, that these communities take responsibility for what they do.  You can't continue to blame the larger society for the pathologies of your own community.  Start being accountable and support virtue and you will see things improve.

Marva Collins always impressed me.   A long time ago in the  1970s, don't remember exactly when likely 1975 or 1976, I saw a 60 minutes show which featured Marva Collins and I was extremely impressed.  She is a take charge impressive woman.  She brought culture and virtue and commitment to the children in her charge.   She started a small school, the Westside Preparatory School, and gave children that the larger public school system had given up on a classical education.  The 60 minute sequence showed what an impressive job she did.  The general public education system has failed all of us.  It has gone downhill since its inception.  It's time to go back to the educational systems of the past that produce quality.

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