Monday, October 19, 2009

Hypocrisy on the Left: No Way! They're So ... Sane HAHAHAHAHA

Red State nailed it today. SEE HERE and I notice that I missed this the other day so SEE HERE TOO. If it were not so weird, the sheer hypocrisy of the left loonies would be very very funny. They must all live in a world about the size of their pea brains. They are all up in arms about a poll about whether the president should be killed that was pulled by FaceBook and their mantra (as usual) is something like "If this had happened to Bush they'd of had FBI at their doors." As usual the left wackjobs go off without ever checking the facts.

The sign of an empty mind is that it engages its mouth routinely without doing any fact checking. Probably due to a neuron dearth. If you can only run brain or mouth a leftie will run their mouth any day. So they said this about Bush without ever checking whether any of their own loony-bin groups had ever done it. Red State looked and, wow! Not only had it been done, but several times. Did you hear about it? Apparently not or they might have noticed although it does take some of those extra neurons that are in short supply. Not only had Bush's life been threatened by the nitwits, but three times at least. Strange nobody got up in arms about that isn't it.

The double standard on the liberal left is just amazing. It makes anything they say eminently ignorable.

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