Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Truth Endures When Reality Trumps Alarmism

The headline caught my eye. The whole notion of slamming serious climate scientists who didn't buy into the nonsense about global warming as "deniers" was pretty hard to stomach. SEE HERE Those who have persisted to demand evidence in the face of the growth in mindless rhetoric are heroes in my eyes too.

Now that science has been so thoroughly politicized it's very difficult to stand up and be counted. You put your reputation on the line against those whose idea of discourse is to ridicule you for your principled stand. The whole notion of "consensus" in science is itself nonsense. Science doesn't depend on consensus. It depend on evidence. It depends on observations. It depends on experiments. None of these could be brought seriously to bear on global warming because the evidence was seriously lacking. The observations were seriously flawed. There were no experiments that supported the claims. Now we know that the data that was advanced was largely fraudulent.

The global warming mantra is a political hoax to accomplish political ends. Al Gore deserves the Nobel prize about as much as Barack Obama does, which is to say that they received it for the same flawed reason, political expediency. When the history is written the heroes will be those who stood up for science and against the politically powerful "consensus" of bought and paid for "scientists." We should get politics out of science, it's a bad mix and probably lethal in the long run.

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