Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Obama Shtick

Sometimes you just gotta wonder what is going on in the minds of the folks that put together political shtick. Obama had doctors (well not all doctors, only doctors who are big Democrat donors ) to the White House for a sort of rally behind ObamaCare. SEE HERE What blew my mind is the sheer gall of handing out lab coats to create political theater. I couldn't have made this up.

Meanwhile Delancey Place (SEE ran a piece on the problems Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein had in getting up the money to finance the musical Oklahoma. (Delancey Place specializes in sending out interesting tidbits every day. If your life needs a little ray of sunshine every morning, not always upbeat sunshine, then subscribe.) I thought that this whole bit about the president dressing up the doctors who are really donors in lab coats to make political theater just begged for a musical rendition only they should be snake oil salesmen trying to legitimize their product. Doesn't that strike close to the truth? Just remember, if this White House does it, then it's unlikely to be true and more likely to be manipulative.

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