Friday, April 23, 2010

Good Luck On Getting Good Medical Care In The Future

SEE HERE It's interesting how government seems to think that passing a law makes something happen. That's a bit like a phrase I use to point out unrealistic requirements: "Wishing doesn't make it so!" Government passes all sorts of laws as if the ink on the paper is an effective way to make things happen. They seem rarely to pay attention to the real world. The latest healthcare aberration is triggering flight from the medical profession. Medical care is quite unlikely to get better as more and more doctors decided that it just isn't worth the hassle. Government is going to preside over a healthcare debacle. You can't mandate prices or healthcare quality from the bureaucratic shores of the Potomac. It's really a shame there are so many lawyers in politics because if there is a bunch that is more totally unrealistic than lawyers it is hard to imagine. We need a few more scientists, engineers, and maybe some production foreman in politics to give it some balance.

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